Chapter 1: Ties That Bind

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[ Third P.O.V ] 

After Stepping off one of the most heart throbbing Bullhead rides of his life (y/n) took a long sigh of relief as he rushed off the airship, Taking in the sights and buildings as other students walked past and around him doing the same at their own pace. 

Shaking his head the young man fixed a long pole on his back that was his weapon and took a deep breath, " Alright(y/n), first day of a new school..Try not to do anything weird." He muttered to himself as he closed his eyes.

" Like talking to yourself out loudly. " Chimed in a voice that was all to familiar too him as the character walked beside him.

" Quiet Yang, I'm trying to have a serious moment here. " (y/n) chuckled as he looked over to the blonde bombshell. Who returned the smirk.

" Well just giving you a little advice, don't want a repeat of Signal now do we? " She smirked bigger at (y/n) as he faceplamed and blushed " Don't remind me.." He sighed as he let his hand dropped and sighed. " Hey, Where's Ruby? " He asked.

" Gawking over weapons like she usually does." Yang pointed to Ruby who looked like a child in a candy store for their first time, (y/n) couldn't help but let out another chuckle as he fixed his hair strangely enough.  " Just like her." 

Yang then looked at his hands.  " You sure that you really need to hide them with that string?, you look better with them out you know, Same goes for your tail.." She said whispering the last part. 

" I don't know how Beacon students are with them,So only time will tell." He said as he took another deep breath. 

" You shouldn't let other people's opinion's stop you from showing your true self (y/n) " She looked at him with a serious look to which (y/n) nodded his head. " Thank you for the words of wisdom of Master." He ended with a bit of sarcasm.

Yang giggled and punched him in the arm " You still have much to learn in the art of social skills my young pupil. " She mocked an old man voice, both of them breaking out in a short burst of laughter, once it died down (y/n) turned to Yang.

" I'm going for a walk to get the lay of the land, I'll see you at the assembly or where ever we're suppose to go."(y/n) chimed as Yang nodded and began to follow her gawking sister off so she wouldn't get in over her head. leaving the man all by himself. 

  (y/n)  walked throughout and around the lands the many paths of Beacon, trying his best to remember the paths and where they lead, finding many interesting land marks along the way, such as a hedge maze, and and monuments to all of the famous hunters in the past who lie beneath the earth resting.

After making a full circle he had finally heard the the announcement for all first years to gather and come to and hear the Headmasters speech before resting for the night and preparing for the entrance exam, seeing the giant crowd assembled (y/n) assumed that's where he needed to go and followed.

After a long and somewhat dark speech from the Ozpin who seemed like he didn't want to be there himself, he merely shrugged it off and hopped that things would be better when it came to finding a place to sleep.

Lucky enough it worked out as Sleeping bags lied all over the floor and as the sun began to set as he realized all the walking began to wear down on him, sighing he began to go to the bathroom and change into his sleep wear, keeping it simple with a (f/c) shirt and complemented by (s/c) Pants. sighing in relief as he walked out. 

" Now where do I sleep? " He asked himself as he looked around the room for a free space, seeing some places free next to a burly gang, a spot all the way in the corner, but what caught his attention the most was a student his age expect he was in a one-piece-pajama suit and didn't seem to give a care in the world as there was a spot open next to him. Nodding (y/n) had found his spot. He slowly began to make his way over to it until.

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