Chapter 7: Dancing The Night Away.

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A few days had come to pass after (L/n)SMN's fight with Team CRDL. Most of the members would wake up as they usually would. Gloria often waking up first and hogging the bath room long before the others would wake up,(y/n) would shortly follow after as Nathan would join them they all began to notice that most of their morning's. They're cloaked teammate would always disappear, not appearing in their door room, usually located in another spot in the campus, be it near a lone tree, The fountain, etc. He would come back before classes start, the other three questioned him why, but never bothered to really ask.

" Have any of you guys ever wonder what he does?" (y/n) asked to the others as they both shook their heads " Never came to our mind." Gloria said as Nate nodded, " Maybe we should ask some of the other teams? " Nathan suggested.

" Blake and Ren both seem to be early birds. So they might be our best." Gloria said as he began to get dressed in his causal attire. At the mention of the Faunus(y/n)'s heart fluttered ever so slightly along with a small blush, Something Nathan took note of.

" Does someone fancy a certain Belladonna~? " Nate said with an ever so cocky smirk,(y/n) didn't even bother to hide it as he slowly nodded his head. " I wouldn't s-say no to it.." He admitted as Nathan chuckled loudly and slapped(y/n) on the back " That's our leader! Already has his heart set on a girl!"(y/n) blushed deeper and hid himself in his shirt as Gloria looked at both of them and smiled. " Alright Nathan, Spare our leader of the torment, we have a mystery to go solve." Gloria said as he stood up and began to exit the dorm(y/n) and Nate quickly following after as a glorious mood was radiating from them.

As they caught up to Gloria, it wasn't long until they reached Team RWBY's dorm to which(y/n) took the lead and knocked on it softly. It wasn't long before the door slowly swung open as all three of them were greeted with a yawning Ruby, " Morning guys!, what could I help you with this fine morning? " Ruby addressed with her usual upbeat tone.

(y/n) smiled back warmly at her. " Hey Rubes!, sorry for bothering you so early but we were seeing if we could find out where Cole wonders off too during the morning..Just wondering if any of you girls might have saw him." Ruby paused and though for a moment, " Wait here for a minute. " She spoke before closing the door, a few minutes later it opened once more as the rest of RWBY was now accompanying their leader.  " So what's up with a missing teammate?" 

After(y/n) had run RWBY through about how Cole was missing every morning.

" We've seen him once or twice. Never saw him in a rush or anything of the line. He always seemed relaxed." Yang said as leaned on the wall as both teams moved out into the hall way all leaning or sitting against the wall as they discussed.

" Any ideas as to what he would be doing? " Nathan asked as he had both hands behind his head as he rested. Yang shook her head as Ruby's eyes sparkled " Ooo!. Maybe he's doing some sort of training!"(y/n) paused and raised an eyebrow. Before finally coming up with an idea.  " Why don't we just go looking for him rather then guess and assume? " He said as he got up from his spot on the floor. "I mean it's a Saturday and we all have nothing better to do right? " 

RWBY and (L/n)MN looked at each other and nodded. " Then it's settled. We're hunting for Solomon!"(y/n) chuckled softly as everyone seemed in on the little game. Even Weiss had a small smile. 

" Alright so here's the plan! " (y/n) said as they all stood next the fountain in the middle of Beacon. " We'll all split up and look up and down the Academy for him. And when one of us does find him let us know, But above all else, do not let him see you!" And once they had a game plan, everything went into motion as(y/n) shouted " GO!" And everyone booked it like a Nevermore outta hell.

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