Chapter 2: Initiation and Shock.

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With the sun hitting his eyes (y/n) Slowly began to wake, sitting up from his chair as he began to rub the sleep out of his eyes and with a soft yawn he had got up and looked around the room, as all the sleeping bags were still present, and it seemed he was the first one to wake up early. 

Shrugging it off he began to get dressed, making sure nobody would notice that he was gone for long, that's if anybody did wake up during his short time changing. Before returning to the main hall, sitting back down on his sleeping bag and began to pass the time.

And within another half an hour or so, Everyone began to wake up and it wasn't long before(y/n)  was in the locker room, getting ready for the initiation, prepping as he was already wearing his combat attire.

Which consisted of a (f/c) Trench Coat that held many pokes that of which had many clips of dust for his weapon, while striking up some Combat boots and pants were a nice shade of ( s/f/c )  well the boots were a regular black, fitting for his whole outfit really

And it wasn't long before one of the childhood sisters he'd come to know came to talk to him, Ruby chimed in " So(y/n) excited to finally use (w/n)? " She giggled as she looked to his back

" Yes Rubes it'll be nice to see it cut down some Grimm rather then some dummies for a change." He chuckled softly as he pulled out a metal rod. pressing a switch as it shifted and extended a handle shooting out and so did a blade, forming a sword

" Well Yes, but what about their...Change~? " She giggled as she eyed his weapon off causing(y/n) to sigh as he rolled his eyes " Fine rubes, just for you." 

He said as he reached to the bottom of the the handle and pressed another button and the sword shifted growing into half it's size before(y/n)broke it in half and two daggers formed. And Ruby giggled as she looked at them with pure joy. " There's the-!" She was about to fangirl until Yang walked back and gripped her by the hood. " Come on Sis we've got to get ready ourselves..." 

Shaking his head(y/n) chuckled as he watched the two of them go off. " Those two will be the death of me." He smirked as he finished up his prepping, shifting the daggers back into the pole and putting it into one of his Trench coat pockets, and as he was about to exit and make his way to the exam grounds, someone caught his eye.

It was the same woman from last night that Ruby was talking too..And she was reading book like last time expect something was off..while she didn't seem familiar the book sure enough did. She was reading a novel(y/n)  knew very well.." Ninja's of Love? " He said loud enough for it to get her attention.

" What? " She said in a monotone voice looking at him with a blank expression. 

" Ninja's of Love..Isn't that what your reading?" He asked as he tilted his head and she raised the book a little to cover her face. " No. Why would I read such a inappropriate novel.." As she talked he could see a bookmark land onto her lap as she sighed. " Fine. I'm reading it. What's your point? " She asked in a sorta of hostile tone causing(y/n)  to raise his arms.

" Okay calm down. I;m not trying to make a point. I just wanted to see if I was right in that we read the same things.." He said as he sat down on the bench she was though not close enough to be in her face.

" Well you are, can you leave me alone now? " She asked before pulling the book back up again. and her bow ever twitching when she did so. 

" Your bow just moved." He said as he pointed up to it and she looked at him with sharp eyes. 

" Your just seeing things. " She said in the same monotone voice while(y/n) shook his head.

" No I'm not. Trust me, I know one of out kind when I see one." He chuckled softly as he reached up and pulled the string off his head, reveling his (h/c) ears to which the woman seemed somewhat shocked with. " So your a Faunus too? " To which he nodded and she seemed more relieved.

" Sorry for acting so Cold, I-"(y/n) cut her off. 

" No, you don't need to apologize, I'm the one who should be apologizing and kinda forcing my way into a conversation. Names (y/n) (l/n) sorry for making such a bad first impression." 

The woman giggled softly before shaking her head. " Blake Belladonna. Glad to meet you(y/n) always nice knowing there's another one of us around. " Blake said to which (y/n) nodded.

" Yeah. " He smiled " But I take it we don't have much time before the exams start so..Want to catch up and talk after this is all over? " He asked as he tilted his head once more, letting Blake pause and think about it before nodding her head. " I wouldn't mind that at all. " " Great, thanks Blake, I won't make you regret it!"(y/n) said before he began to run off to the exam grounds, leaving a smiling Blake who followed shortly after.

(( Timeskip to the start of exams. )) 

And here we are, standing on a pressure plate as the headmaster himself talked about how the exams would go, Giving the rules of whoever you made eye contact with first would be your partner for the next four years as well that you two would have to grabbed an artifact at the end of the forest and get back here, That was all. 

" Are there any questions? " Ozpin asked as Jaune raised his head thought he professor ignored him, " Good." He said before everyone one by one began to get catapulted off into the air towards the forest. 

Unfazed as he already had a plan for landing,  (y/n) began to hum to himself before looking around seeing what other hunters there were, while all of them seemed kitted up there was a figure in a pitch black cloak covering their body, shrugging it off as their own personal choice. 

And before he knew it(y/n) was launched into the air and caught somewhat off guard as wind whipped itself against his face, and after calming down and not freaking out he quickly shoot down towards the ground as he took out his pole and breaking it in half, he fly down to the tree line and stabbed a dagger into a tree, losing all momentum as his dagger proceeded to drag itself down and cutting through the tree trunk, and before he knew it he was on the ground. 

" Okay(y/n) first step, find a partner and in order to do that..Look for signs of life..." He said to himself as he looked around the whole forest but it was dead quiet, other then the fact that it was dead quite, he began to walk around the forest still listening out until her head screaming right above him. 

Looking up(y/n) could see a black figure fall and hitting tree branches on their way down to the ground, and once they hit the floor, there was a soft grunt of pain " I hate....Life" They said before looking up and not noticing(y/n) " So where the hell am I?" The voiced sounded male.

" A forest."(y/n) said in a smart tone as the man yelped and turned around facing him " Oum!, you scared me man! " He said as(y/n) got a solid laughter out of it while the man sighed before joining on the laugh.

" Well I guess if we're going to be partners may as well get introduced to each other huh? " He chuckled as he lowered his cloak's hood revealing his allowed his long dark blue hair that went down to his neck and his brown eyes started back at (y/n) with a soft smile. " Cole Solomon, Pleasure to meet, you? " He paused for his name

" (y/n) (l/n) Nice to meet you Cloak man." He chuckled.

" Well(y/n) we'll have plenty of other chances to talk, so don't you think we should to the mission objective? " Cole asked as(y/n) nodded. " Yeah, do you know how where it is? " he asked to which Cole nodded. " Follow me." 

And just like that the two boys were heading towards the ruins that would set their future for the next four years, and talking all the way there, making small chat as they did laughing all the way.

(( And that'll conclude the chapter for now, yes I'm sorry if it was shorter then you expected, but there is one last thing I want. I still need some OC's for(y/n)'s team, so please, if you have an OC' you would love to see in this story,  just DM me and we'll see where it goes from there. Thank you all for reading. and have a good day. ))

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