1. After Tragedy

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You've heard of Brainiac, the one who destroyed cities. The reason why many people are dead. You had powers, but you wanted to keep it concealed, but Brainiac changed that. You wanted him to pay for all the damage done. You remembered leaving Metropolis on a motorcycle, watching behind you as Brainiac's ship tear apart your home. Now here you are, living in a crappy apartment in Gotham, the home of the bat. You just wanted to help, and make sure that what happened with Brainiac doesn't happen again. You had had flight, mind reading, increased strength, and red energy. Almost like Hal Jordan, or Atrocitus for that matter.
You:But how would I get in contact with the legendary bat? How could he trust me? Will he even accept me?
You: (Sigh), only one way to find out.
You got out of bed and left the apartment complex. You hopped on your motorcycle and drove off.
3 hours later
Still no sign of the bat, maybe I'm an idiot for thinking I can find Bruce Wayne. On nights like these, you don't usually see Batman right in front of you.
You looked at your watch.
11:00 PM
You:Shit, it's getting late.
You were in the middle of Gotham, many people on the streets and on the sidewalks. You were down to your last option, you went back to your apartment. You parked your bike and you flied across Gotham, in search for the bat. You remembered how people get his attention, the bat signal. But no one uses it. Not before the war between Batman and Superman. Many died in that battle, the battle that lasted 5 years. You made your way to the bat signal. You turned it on, and the signal lightened the sky.
3 minutes later.
You were still on the building when you heard footsteps behind you. You turned around to see the legendary Batman looking you dead in the eye.
Batman: Why did you use the bat signal?
You: To get your attention.
Batman: Why waste my time, when you know that other people can be in danger?
You: I have something that you might like.
Batman: Well, what is it then?
You slowly rose from the ground.
You: I thought, after all that's happened, I could help.
Batman turns off the bat signal.
You: So, I also have increased strength and
Batman thinks for a bit, but makes a decision.
Batman: Fine, meet me at this address tomorrow at 5:00 pm, and don't tell anyone.
He says giving you a business card.
You: Got it, thanks Batman, for giving me a chance.
Batman: Just remember to come.
Batman left the scene, jumping off the building. You watch him glide through out the city, you look at the card he gave you. On the front it had an address.
You:5:00 tomorrow, I can work with that.
You flew back to your apartment, excited that he's giving you a shot a being a hero. You got to bed and fell asleep.
You: Tomorrow's gonna be a great day......

I hope you guys have enjoyed this first chapter. Sorry that this isn't TWD related, and I know that i haven't been updating that much. But anyways, I'll see you guys in the next chapter.

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