3. A War Long Ago

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Kara: 5 years ago, something happened, Kal-El, or as you call him
Superman, lost his wife. The Joker, used someone's fear toxins and drugged him, making him believe that his wife was a villain, Doomsday. He fought with all of his strength and took his wife above the Earth, in space, then he realized, that it was his wife Lois Lane.
You: My god...
Kara: The Joker more in his plan, he connected Lois's heartbeat to a bomb in Metropolis. When he accidentally killed his wife....
You: Wait, is that why....
Kara slowly nodded her head.
Kara: The Joker was the reason why Metropolis was nuked...
You: Poor guy.
Kara: Then, he started the Regime, and Batman created the Insurgency and the two fought for 5 years, with Batman winning. With many of his friends dead.
You: So it's not just Kal that suffered...
Kara: Bruce put him in the Phantom Zone, Kal says that he'll come back, but Bruce has been preparing for it ever since.
You: And.. how badly has it affected you?
Kara: I'm a bit relieved that he's stuck in the Phantom Zone, but he's gonna be back later on.
You: I'm sorry that you had to go through that Kara.
Kara: I wasn't on Earth when the war broke out, I arrived on Earth in hypersleep, causing me to-
You: Stay young, got it.
Kara: How'd you know that?
You: Well, I have no friends, what better to do but to read endless paragraphs of random stuff that'll probably never come in handy later on.
Kara laughs at the comment.
Kara: Well, you do now.
You: Yeah, you told me about the war, now what?
Kara: I don't know, I just.. I don't really know, I'm just tired of fighting crime, over and over, it never stops.
You: I might know a few places.
Kara: Thanks, but Batmans probably gonna kill me if I don't make it back in time.
You: Well, nice meeting you.
Kara: I guess I'll see you later today (Y/N), bye.
You: Bye.
Kara flies off, leaving you alone on the rooftop.
You: Kara's kinda cute, wait......
You: Did I just say cute?
You: Never mind that, it's what, 12:00, I got 6 hours until I meet up with The Bat.
You flew off the building flew around the city, not sure what to do next.
5 hours later
You were at your apartment, playing The Walking Dead New Frontier😎. You looked t the clock a few feet away from you.
You got up and got ready for whatever test Batman planned for you. As you were getting ready, you remembered Kara, you wondered why she would leave her group to go with you. You: She left for me, whatever.
It was 6:45, 15 minutes to spare. You took the card and flew out the window. The card read: Gotham Theater
You flew to the area, and waited for Batman. A few minutes later, a silhouette appeared in the distance. It got closer.
You: Batman?
Mysterious Figure: No, it's not him...
The figure pulled out a rifle from his back. He loaded his gun and stepped into the light. It was Deadshot.
You: Deadshot?!
Deadshot: Yeah, nothing personal though, just business.
You: I heard you had a chip in your brain, that-
Deadshot: Explodes, got it. But Grodds dead, the bastard that had me under his control is dead, so it's no good.
You: You don't know who your messing with. I can easily activate it.
Your created a shield, you shot red energy at Deadshot, it hit his head, you had control of the chip implanted in his brain.
You: Put down your gun, or else.
Deadshot: I know all about your deal with Batman, an interview. You wouldn't want you chances to get slim, now wouldn't you?
You: No, but I can cause a really bad headache.
You enhanced your energy in Deadshot's head, causing him pain.
Deadshot: Argh!
You: I warned you, and I'm gonna keep you here until Batman arrives.
Batman: I knew this would happen.
You looked up and saw Batman on a building. He glided down and put the cuffs on Deadshot.
You: Batman!?
Batman: You did well, you managed to hold down Floyd until I arrived.
You: So this was the test?
Batman: Not all of it.
You: So you had this planned?
Batman: I'll explain more later on.
The GCPD(Gotham City Police Department) came to take Deadshot to prison.
Police Officer: Deadshot, nice work Batman.
Batman: That wasn't me, it was the new guy.
Police Officer: Well, thanks for catching this guy, you have no idea how long we've been trying to catch this guy.
You: No problem.
Batman: Make sure he doesn't escape.
The officer nodded and the other people shoved him in a truck and drove off.
You: What happens now?
Batman: Follow me.
Batman leads you to this building and into a staircase, in which there's a secret elevator. You and Batman step inside and wait until you reach the bottom floor. The doors open and you walk out with Batman.
Batman: Welcome to the Batcave.
You spot Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Kara, and Harley Quinn.
Green Arrow: So this is the new guy Bruces been talking about.
Green Lantern: Yeah, has red energy.
Harley: Looks like you found Atrocitus.
Batman: Guys, welcome a soon-to-be member of the Justice League, (Y/N).

Hey guys, I'm so sorry for being lazy. I hope you've enjoyed this chapter, I'll see you guys in the next.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2017 ⏰

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