2. A New Friend

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2. A New Friend
You woke up at around 11:00AM, you were excited. Batman wanted you to come to do something. You remembered the address he gave you, one thing that still bothers you is that he never asked for your name.
You got out of bed, and looked in your closet for clothes to wear. You had breakfast, got your phone and wallet, and left through the window.

You left the apartment complex and flew in the sky, gazing at the surrounding buildings.
A few hours later
It was 2:00 PM, you were on a rooftop, listening to music. Suddenly, an explosion was heard from a mile away. You stopped gazing and flew to where you heard the explosion. You kept flying until you saw where the explosion took place, the bank. As you were inspecting the damage, you were struck with a bolt of lightning. You landed on the rooftop as you looked above you, and the he was, Black Adam with lightning in his eyes.
You: Adam, about time I've met you.
Black Adam: Who are you?
You: Why should I tell you?
Black Adam: Because I can kill you and send you to the gods, now answer me!
You got up and summoned your red energy.
You: Your gonna have a tough time doing that...
You created an energy ball, Adam charged at you and you threw the energy, hitting the king. Adam strikes you with more lightning, but then, a teen, comes from the sky and hits Adam off the building. You were a bet sore after that, the teen walked towards you.
Teen: You alright?
You looked up, and a girl, who you assumed was Supergirl, was right in front of you.
You: Yeah, it's just... that's the first time I fought a god.
Teen: Well, you're alive, which means....
You: I have powers.
Teen: A normal human can't survive that, and you have a red glow around you.
You: Yeah, that's one of my powers.
Teen: What's your name?
You: My name's (Y/N), you?
Teen: My name's Kara Zor-El, but people refer to me as Supergirl.
You: I'll just call you Kara.
Kara: Batman told me about some guy who had powers last night, and that after Brainiac's attack, you wanted to help, were you that guy?
You: That's right.
Kara: Well, can you help me fight Adam?
You: Yeah, let's go.
Kara helps you up and you both fly off the rooftop. You saw the Flash, Blue Beetle, and Hal Jordan (Green Lantern) all surrounding Black Adam.
Blue Beetle: Kara, who is he?
Kara: This is (Y/N), he was here fighting Adam before we got here.
Flash: Wait, he fought Adam? He has powers?
You: Yeah.
Green Lantern: Well, you interested in joining the new Justice League?
You: Yeah, I talked to Batman last night. Told me to meet him sometime today.
Flash: So you were that guy who turned on the bat-signal!
You: Pretty much.
Green Lantern: Well, we need to get Adam to the Red Sun Prison
You: You guys do that, I'll be somewhere else.
Kara: Mind if I tag along?
Blue Beetle: What if Adam breaks out again?
Kara: All three of you took him down while I was helping him, I'm pretty sure you'll be fine.
Flash: I just think he's jealous, that Kara goes with someone else.
Blue Beetle: Shut up Barry!
You and Kara fly off to another rooftop.
You: So Kara, why exactly did you want to come with me?
Kara: Well, being the new guy, it's gonna be a bit hard to get used to.
You: But I met you a few minutes and I'm already used to being around you.
Kara: What does that mean?
You knew that she doesn't know much about dating, or anything related like that.
You: Oh nothing.
Kara: If you say so...
You: So what's next on the agenda?
Kara: I don't know, I just wanted to hang out with you. I remember being the new guy in the Justice League, it was hard to be the new kid, but I got used to it.
You: Wait, Green Lantern said "new Justice League", what does he mean by that?
Kara looked down, looking a bit sad.
You: Oh Kara, I shouldn't have asked that.
Kara: It's... it's a long story, let's just say that, when I learned about it, it was tough on me.
You: You don't have to tell me, if you don't want to.
Kara: No, I feel like I have to.
You: If you say so.......

I hope you guys have enjoyed this chapter, I'll try to update my other books. But anyways, I'll see you guys in the next chapter.

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