Good "girls" Bad boys

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'Make it stop...make it stop...'
I thought, meanwhile the bullies were beating me senseless.

Their names? Oh of course. They're some of the most popular students in school. Namjoom (Rapmon), Yoongi (Suga), Jimin (Jiminie), and Hoseok (Hobi).

And the one and only, Jungkook or as his friends call him (Kookie).

He hurts me the most out of all of them, physically and verbally.

I just wish it'd stop....

I am lucky to have one friend though.

Kim Seok-jin.
Or as I call him "eomma jin".

Why? Well because he acts and is just as protective as a mother! Its kinda cute actually, how much he cares.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't even notice that they had stopped. When I looked up, I saw why.


He walked up to me, forcefully pulling my attention to him by grabbing my chin and turning my head towards him.

I shook violently as I starting thinking about what could happen, what he would do, what he'd-

"See you tomorrow, Tae Tae~"


Hello everyone! I finally crawled out of the grave and managed to write something!
Anyway, thank you
RavenJetHart for the amazing idea, I couldn't have asked for anything better love! ❤

See you all in the next chapter~

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