Poor Taehyungie

395 16 7


"Hey Tae!"

When the owner of the voice yelled my name, I froze, knowing I was in trouble.

As soon as I turned around, I was shoved to the groυnd. My head hit the floor, causing me to let out a small whimper.

Laughs immediately reached my ears, tears blurring my sight as the pain finally hit me.

"Huh?" It got quite so quick, I thought I must have died. As I opened my eyes to see what caused the silence, I gasped seeing my only friend glaring at Jungkook and his gang.

"Leave him alone." His dark tone made me curl up in fear, seeing as this side of him was new and scary.

Next thing I knew, they were gone and I was in Jin's arms, him holding me close as if he thought I might slip away from him.

"Im never letting them hurt you again..."

Then, everything went black.


(Hi! Sorry it short >•< my head hurts but I wanted to make a least one update before school tomorrow.
Anyway, hope you enjoy.
Ja Ne!)

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