New Idiots

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  I walked into music room three with my sweat shirt tied around my waist revealing a black spaghetti strap shirt and part of my breast. There were no girls in at the moment. i went and sat at a sweets table. I ate a piece of strawberry cake. i looked around and noticed everyone was dressed up. In what looks like a kimono. I continued eating my cake. 

honey came over and sat down across from me on the small sweets table. 

" what's your favorite cake yuki-chan" 

" strawberry, what's yours" 

" i like all cake" he said grabbing another piece of cake.

girls started coming in, honey went back to his table eating to his heart's content. 

the twins walked over to me," can you tell who is kaoru and who is hikaru" they asked

" that one is hikaru, that one is kaoru" i said pointing. 

" how can you tell" a random girl asked 

when we heard a knock on the door. girls don't normally knock. 

" come in" kyoya said. 

two tall black haired people came in, it was siu and kiu.

" you two idiots leave" i told them immediately taking a bite of my cake. 

" so this is where you work" they said insink. girls in the background were whispering about how hot my brothers are. i was getting ready to hurl.  

"yukio who are these men" kyoya asked. 

" my idiotic brothers" i told him. 

 they looked around to see many 'hot' looking guys. they looked at me suspiciously. 

" are theese new members of the host club" a girl asked. 

" their twins just like hikaru and kaoru. can you imagine them all together." a girl said. half the girls in the room passed out at that girl's comment. 

" great" i said unhappily.

siu and kiu walked over to me whispering in my ear. " is this a host club"

" yes" I replied shoving them out of my face. 

" why are you here then" they asked

" i'm a bodyguard" i told them

" oh" they said looking at each other.

" you're leaving now" i told them grabbing them by the ears walking towards the exit.  

" owww" they said in pain. 

i threw them out of the music room and closed the door. 

" Their" i said. 

" they can just come back in" kaoru and hikaru said. 

" not if they know what's good for them" I told them. The door started opening slowly. i turned around ready to beat my brothers up but it was just a bunch of blushing girls. i peeked around the door to see siu and kui flirting with the girls outside the room.

" you mine as well invite them in" tamaki told me.

" siu, kiu get in here." 

     They walked in with their hands in their pockets. i walked back over to my cake. siu and kiu walked over to the other twins they got along great, That worries me. they started to flirt with the girls over by the other twins. the hitachiin twins was flirting two the girls were as red a tomatoes. when all the girls finally left siu and kiu ate a piece of cake. 

" we're going home" siu and kiu said walking out the door.

" don't forget our parents are coming tomorrow"

my hands turned into fistest and blood driped from the one that was hurt. everyone looked at me.I walked out of the door. i started hurrying home. i didn't want them to see me in this state. i heard footsteps running after me. i turned around seeing hikaru and a slight drop of blood every five meter or so. 

" wait up" he said running towards me. i stopped. when he cought up he took a moment to catch his breath. 

" what do you want" i said with a blank face.

"I wanted to give you a present"

" i didn't get you one" i said rubbing the back of my head. 

" close your eyes and hold out your hands" he said blushing. 

" why" i asked

" just do it" he said starting to blush harder. 

I held my hands out and closed my eyes. something slimy was set in my hands. i opened my eyes.

" a frog, really" i said.

" yep" he said smiling. i crouched down and set the frog on the ground.

i stood back up. " now that i think about it i have a present for you to. close your eyes." i told him with a evil smile.

he looked at me questionably, but he did as he was told. I kissed him. His warm lips against mine. I leaned back. he opened his eyes. " that was a nice gift" he said.

i smiled. " i got to get home, see you tomorrow" i told him winking. i started walking back to my house smiling the entire time. I heard footsteps going to where hikaru was. i was guessing kaoru. 

   I walked around the corner. i peeked a glance at the twins. hikaru was blushing and kaoru was questioning him. when i looked back where i was going a saw siu and kiu leaning on the cement wall, looking at me questionably. they looked evil.  

" what was that" siu asked. 

" we must question him" kiu said evilly.

" he's already being questioned." i told my brothers.

they looked at eachother and started.  

" what's his full name" siu asked

" what's his favorite color" kiu asked. 

" what's his parents name" siu asked

" what's his favorite food" kiu asked. 

I grabbed them by the ears. " shut up you two" i said walking towards the house. i let go of the two when we were far enough away. i put a sucker in my mouth, and kept walking.



hikaru x reader ; love at first sightWhere stories live. Discover now