The dream filled closet

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  I looked at everyone else, i bowed. " i'm yukio yakimicki" i stood up strait. " nice to meet you". i pulled my hood down. my black hair swung free. I saw one of the hitachiin's eyes light up. 

" nice to meet you" the rest of them said.

"i'm tamaki" a yellowed haired guy said.

" i'm haruhi" a brown haired person with a questionable gender said. 

" my name is mitsukuni but just call me honey. this is takashi" the yellowish haired little kid said climbing a tall black haired guy.

" were kaoru and hikaru" The twins said. " can you tell who is hikaru and who is kaoru" they asked me. i looked at them really hard. hikaru was the one i met outside so that one is hikaru. 

" that one is hikaru and that one is kaoru" i said pointing to them. they looked at eachother then at me.  

" ok, people are coming" kyoya said. 

I went over to a table with sweats on it and sat down. I grabbed a piece of strawberry cake. It was about an hour when they said i could go home. that job wasn't that hard, a couple times i would have to kill assassins but it seems like a easy job. when i got home the gate opened. maybe i could have a peaceful week, that would be great. 

" Why are you late" two voices from the shadows asked.

" I have a job" i told them. siu and kiu came out from the shadows. 

" where do you work at" they asked starting to walk towards the house.  

" school" i told them following them.

" you seem to be at this school place a lot"

" your both dumb asses. school is a place where you learn"

" so we have a school at home"

" no that's just home school. i go to ouran high school. with other people" 

" interesting" 

" what do you want to eat."

" pizza" they said excitedly. 

" fine, i'll order some pizza"

[ the next day ]

In the morning i grabbed some pizza and walked out the door. I had gym second to last period. me and hikaru went to go put up all the basket balls. it was our turn for clean up. i looked around to see the door closing behind hikaru. 

" don't let the door close" i said loudly. 

CLINK. the door shut. 

" well shit" I said. he looked at me surprised. 

hikaru face palmed." the door locks automatically"

" ya, i know. the type of lock it is would lock automatically. out of the way i'm going to try to kick it open." he moved out of the way of the door. i kicked it right in the middle of the handle, it wouldn't budge. " it's not going to open." i looked at the ceiling. " maybe.." i trailed off. "probibly not". i looked over at hikaru he was blushing, he looked away. i sat down leaning on a wall, hikaru sat on the wall across from me. 

I fell asleep to only have a dream. their was a beautiful black haired women, she turned around, mother. she held her arms out i started running to her, but then she fell to the floor. 

" ha, ha, ha ha ha" father's voice said. there was dad behind her holding a knife. " finally i've killed her." dad said. 

my hands turned to a fist. i was squeezing my hands to hard it hurt badly." i'll kill you one day father" i said evilly.  

someone started shaking me, i woke up. my head hit something hard. 

" owww" someone said. my vision cleared. hikaru was holding his head. 

my head was throbbing. i put one of my hands up to my forehead. "owww" i said. i saw blood running down my arm. i looked at my hand. there were puncture wounds on it. the puncture wounds were right were my nails would be if i made a fist. i looked down at the ground there was a small pool of blood. 

" your bleeding" hikaru said worriedly.   

" i'm fine." i told him wiping the blood onto my sweat shirt. i held my hand in my pocket leaning it against my stomach. 

" no your not" he said pointing to the pool of blood. 

I was still trying to shake off the dream.

" you know you talk in your sleep"

i froze." what did i say"

" you said 'i'll kill you one day'" he told me." this isn't any of my business but who do you plan of killing"

" you're right it's none of your business." i said kind of angrily." has no one came by yet"

" no, no one has came by yet." he was still blushing, it was very cute. we both were still in our gym clothes he had a tight shirt, it looked sexy. he looked back at me still very red." are you checking me out" he asked.

 I looked up. " you wish". I put a sucker in my mouth from my back pocket. 

" why do you always have candy on you" hikaru asked

" it's a habit" i told him 

" do you have any more kisses on you" he asked starting to blush more. I started to look down into my pockets when i felt something warm on my lips. It broke away. i looked up to see hikaru right in front of me. i imagine i look like a tomato.

" yukio hikaru" a familiar voice yelled

" maybe they got locked in the storage area" kaoru's voice said. hikaru slid back to his side of the wall. I stood up talking back to the voice. 

" took you long enough" i told kaoru. I pulled my hand out of my pocket. it looked bad. the door opened. a kaoru ran right past me to hikaru. i walked out of the closet to see the rest of the host club.

" why didn't you just kick the door open" kyoya asked

" i tried. it wouldn't budge. I also considered going thru the ceiling but i would just get in trouble by the school" 

he looked at me then wrote something down on his clipboard. 

" how long has it been" i asked. 

" about a hour and half since school ended." kyoya told me

" they are going to kill me" i said with a blue face. 

" who is they" the twins asked. 

" doesn't matter" i told them with a glare. I walked off to get changed to my normal clothes. " he is really cute" i muttered walking out of the girls changing room. 

" who is" kaoru asked. I bet my face went red. 

" no one" i told him. I running out of the school doors. 

[ when i got home ]

I opened the gate. 

" your late" a siu said from the shadows.

" where have you been" kiu asked also from the shadows. they stepped from behind two trees.

" look her face is red. i've only seen it reddened by blood." siu said. 

" shut up" i told them walking down to the house. " idiots"

hikaru x reader ; love at first sightWhere stories live. Discover now