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3rd person//

"Dude, you've been together like, what now? A month? And you've only done it once?" Jeongguk scoffed as he shoved a couple of spoonfuls of cereal into his mouth. Disgusting.

"I'm not taking relationship advice from someone who's single." Jimin pointed his spoon warningly towards Jeongguk before using it to eat his yoghurt. "And that's beside the point, I said I wanted to do something special for our anniversary-"

"So do him! I don't understand where the problem lies, Chim." Jeongguk was about as close to throwing a tantrum about how Jimin shouldn't let himself be blueballed as he'd ever been, and he'd been pretty close before believe it or not. "And I'm not saying you should take relationship advice from me, but maybe take some sex advice from someone who actually has it?" Jimin rolled his eyes and tried to concentrate on his breakfast instead of Jeongguk, which was easier said than done because the younger was very high-maintenance. "But duude, speaking of getting laid..." And then he was off again, there was no limit to how fast words could fly out of that mouth. Jimin was actually impressed that Jeongguk could keep up with himself. "You're not listening." Jeongguk pouted, and that's not fair play because Jimin couldn't handle sadness, not even faked one. He gestured for Jeongguk to continue as he swallowed the yoghurt that was in his mouth. "So I met this gorgeous girl at the club..." And Jimin was gone, he just couldn't concentrate on whatever bullshit was falling from Jeongguk's lips today. The younger didn't seem to notice this time though as he was too immersed in his own story. "Turned out she was a man!"

"So you like crossdressers now?" Jimin crossed his legs under the table and his arms over his chest, and his lips turned up into a smug smile as Jeongguk sputtered for an explanation.

"No! I mean yeah, but that's not the point of the story, asshat." Jimin zoned out again and let Jeongguk blabber his little mouth as his thoughts wandered off to unknown territory. Jimin couldn't help but get stuck on what Jeongguk had said. He knew it was bullshit, obviously, it came from Jeongguk after all, but the words still replayed in his mind like a broken record. The words even sounded ridiculous as they played back in his mind, but Jimin wasn't one to be very rational when it came to lov- like, liking someone. 

Yoongi probably hated Jimin, probably thought he was a stupid little kid that didn't know shit and Jimin should've realised this was all bullshit, but once he started there was no stopping it. Yoongi was smart, pretty, amazing, witty. What did Jimin have that could satisfy someone as great as the Min Yoongi? Nothing, that's the answer.

Meanwhile, Yoongi was over at his house just listening to music and doing literally nothing special at all. God his life really was miserable, but at least he had Jimin now. He thought about calling his boyfriend, but Yoongi knew that he had Jeongguk over, so he didn't want to bother them with whatever they were doing at 11am.

"Dude, it's like the five-billionth time you've zoned out on me, are you okay? Was there nuts in the yoghur- oh my god I just realised why you've only done it once," Jeongguk gasped in shock, and Jimin knew where this was going but he let the younger have this one. "You're fucking allergic to nuts!"

Whilst Jeongguk was lying, dying on the floor, Jimin continued to worry about his relationship that might or might not be shattering right before his very eyes.

Yoongi groaned as Seokjin told the second worse pun he's ever told, Yoongi contemplated hanging up on him - or hanging himself. "Seokjin, please, I need your help. You've been alive longer, so you've got to know something about what I should get Jimin for our anniversary."

"You've been together for a month, chill. I don't even see the point in celebrating, you could break up tomorrow," Yoongi shuddered at the thought and Seokjin seemed to notice the sudden mood-change. "Not that you will! I'm just a cynical old bitch, don't listen to me. Don't go overboard with it though, keep it simple, and personal."

Yoongi thanked Seokjin for his advice and Seokjin managed to ram in another pep talk before they hung up. Yoongi sighed as he fell down on his bed, still as lost about what to give Jimin as he was before the call. Simple and personal. Well, that's easier said than done, Seokjin.

"-and there's a whole gang of them, right? And get this, I - Jeon Jeongguk - had a fucking threew- Jimin are you listening?" Jeongguk groaned as Jimin let out a little 'huh' because he hadn't been listening. "I'm going fucking mad here! That's it, I'm never telling you an amazing story ever again."

"Oh no~ how will I ever survive?" Jimin rolled his eyes and waved lazily with his hands in the air, the sarcasm was so strong that you could practically see it oozing off of him.

"Shut up." Jeongguk crossed his arms over his chest and slid down on his chair, he may have been defeated this time, but it was Jimin's loss in the long-run as he'd miss out on Jeongguk's awesome stories from now on.

from: Min Genius
to: Pleb Chimchim

I wanna kiss you :(

from: pretty boy Park😘  
to: yoongi-bear🐻💘

someone's needy...
is something wrong?

from: Min Genius
to: Pleb Chimchim

no just wanna kiss you
and know everything about you tell me some of your hobbies please I nEED SOMETHING

from: pretty boy Park😘
to: yoongi-bear🐻💘  

is this about the anniversary?
I told you I don't need anything
I've got you
silly ❤️


I'm sorry that I've been gone for a while lmao

school started and whoops it's been like a month

but yeah, thank you all sosososo much for 30K+

it's honestly insane, I've got no words

just, thank you.

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