Chapter 12: Was I Wrong?

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It had been about two weeks since Valentines Day and I was at my locker gathering my stuff to go home.

"Hey!" Rachel said loudly, walking up to me at my locker.

"Uh, hi?" I questioned, putting my books back into my locker.

"Sooo-I'm having a party tomorrow, there will be drinks and games and fun! You and Sam are totally invited!" She squealed, enthusiastically with exaggerated hand motions.

"Um, okay..."

"See you there then!" She said, skipping away. I took a deep breath, and turned back towards my locker.

"What was that about?" Sam asked, coming out from behind the locker door.

I screamed, "Don't do that to me!" I said, punching him in the shoulder.

He laughed, "Sorry," he said, rubbing his shoulder.

"It was some party she's having tomorrow.

"Oh, yeah! Puck told me about that. Are we gonna go?"

I threw my hands up in the air, laughing, "I guess so!" I said, grabbing my backpack and walking toward the doors.


Sam and I walked slowly down the stairs into Rachel's "Oscar room". She was already greeting Kurt and Blaine.

"Everybody gets two drink tickets to keep things from getting out of hand..." Rachel said, handing both Kurt and Blaine two pink carnival tickets, "We are serving wine coolers today!...." she continued dramatically.

"Okay, everybody, Cheers!" She yelled, thrusting a wine cooler into the air.

The whole party walked up to Rachel, "Great party Rachel, but we gotta run," Artie said.

Tina piped up, "We have dinner reservations at breadsticks..."

Everybody turned to leave, "Why is everybody leaving...?" Rachel whispered to Finn.

"Because this party blows, if you want everybody to stay, you gotta let me break into your dad's liquor cabinet. No one's gonna get buzzed off two wine coolers, I'll replace it all before they get home...."

Rachel stood there pondering for a moment, until she yelled, "Let's party!" Thrusting her wine cooler back into the air.

(Time skip)

In a matter of 30 minutes everybody was drunkenly dancing around the room. Brittney had turned into a stripper, Tina and Mercedes couldn't stop laughing, Quinn and Lauren were yelling at Puck for no reason, but the worst was Santana. She was all over Sam, flirting, running her hands through his hair, and her hands were all over his abs. I was not having it, those abs are mine and making his hair fluffy is my job. Sam was too drunk to notice, but still. She needed to back off, but me, and being one of the only sober ones at the party, wasn't gonna start that right now. At the same time I knew if she didn't stop soon this was gonna turn into a thing between Sam and me, and I didn't want that.

Rachel interrupted my thoughts by screaming, "Who wants to play spin the bottle?!"

Kurt, who was also sober, walked over to me, he gestured to Santana, "You ready for this?"

I sighed, "Not really."

We gathered in a circle with an empty wine cooler in the center. Everyone took turns spinning and kissing while I sat and observed. It was Sams turn, he reached to the middle and spun the bottle. I took a deep breath, we all waited in anticipation. It finally landed.... On Santana. Everyone cheered.

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