First day (part two)

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                   (your pov)
It was almost time to go home, everyone started leaving the nap room and going back to the playroom. I was behind because I ran back to grab my kitty. I ran to the playroom and everyone was gone. "Hello? Where is everyone?" I yelled. "Muahhahahahahahahaha!!!" I heard someone laugh. I looked around but no one was there. I started to shake again. I felt tears start to form in my eyes.

I ran to the front door but the door wouldn't budge. I looked through the glass and saw Ryan walking home. "Ryan!!!! Over here!!" I yelled. I hoped he heard me so he could help me. He turned around. That wasn't Ryan. He looked like him, but he had blood red eyes and sharp teeth. He grinned at me and started laughing like a maniac. He kept running over the hill until he was out of sight.

Then I hear a chuckle behind me. It was Thomas but he had blood red eyes like Ryan's. "Don't touch my bell!" He yelled. Then his fingers turned into claws and his tongue became black and like a lizard's. He lunged at me. I tried to scream but nothing would come out. Then all I saw was black.

I shot up in my bed, tears in my eyes and my mouth was dry. I looked to my right and saw Ryan still asleep in his bed. "Just a bad dream (y/n).... Just a bad dream...." I whispered to myself.
"Might as well go get some water while I'm up." I thought. I got out of bed and grabbed my kitty. As I walked past Ryan he stirred in his sleep. "He looks adorable when he sleeps....WAIT NO! What am I thinking, I just met him!" I got the thought out of my head and tiptoed to the hallway. The lights were bright so I let my eyes adjust before I kept walking.

I walked down the stairs and walked to the kitchen. Matt was sitting at the table eating some cookies. He noticed me looking at him from the doorway. "Oh...good morning (y/n)." He said, "did you sleep well?" "I had a nightmare." I say as I sit next to him. "Awww... What happened?" I told him everything. From me forgetting kitty, to Ryan and Thomas. After I was done talking I noticed he had a notepad with some scribbles on it.

"Well, it seems like you don't want to leave behind you kitty," he started, "your also afraid of Ryan being mean to you and leaving you behind." "Really?" I ask "yep" he replies. "And your scared of Thomas...." He says. "Well it doesn't take a genius to figure that out!" I say giggling. Matt giggles too. "I'mma go wake the other kids up, you go ahead and go to the playroom." He says getting up off of his chair. "Ok!" I reply.

I get a little juice pouch out of the fridge and walk to the playroom. I sat on one of the sofas and sipped my juice. I hear a faint, "wake up!" From upstairs. I giggle to myself and lay down with my kitty. I soon give in to the darkness.

                (Ryan's pov)

"WAKE UP!!!" I jumped out of my bed and looked over at (y/n) and she wasn't there. I got down to Matt and asked where she was. "Oh, she woke up a while ago to a bad dream," He says, "Why, you looking out for your girlfriend?" He teased. I kicked him in his leg and he started jumping on one foot holding his other one yelling, "ow ow ow!" I walked back down stairs and into the playroom. (Y/n) was asleep on the sofa holding her kitty plushie. I sat next to her and watched her chest rise and fall. Everyone started to come in, with Matt coming in last. He put (y/n)'s backpack beside the sofa. "Alright everyone, you can do  whatever you want until it's time to go home." He announced. Everyone started to spread out around the playroom but I just sat there looking at
(y/n). Then Cookie came over. "Hey Ryan, I have a question." She said. "Ok, what is it?" I asked. "Do you like (y/n)?" She asked. "W-what!? NO!" I yelled. "Then why are you staring at her?" She asked. "Well I have nothing else to do!" I replied. "Every day you always ride the rocking horsey no matter what!" She says. She was right, I do always ride the horsey. "Do not!" I argued. "Do too!" She replied.

"Do not!"

"Do too!"

"Do not!"

"DO TOO!!"

"DO NOT!!!!"

"STOP YELLING ALREADY!!!" Thomas yelled. He was standing beside the glass table. "Sorry Thomas." Me and Cookie said. Cookie ran over to the rocket ship. I looked at (y/n) again but she wasn't asleep. Thomas woke her up. She was silently crying and shaking. "Oh no, I wasn't yelling at you..." Thomas said. He tried reaching his hand out to her but she ran past him and jumped in one of the toy chests and closed the lid.

"Thomas!" Matt yelled, "Stop scaring (y/n)!!!" "I wasn't yelling at her!" He says putting his hands up in defense. "But you still yelled. Remember, she gets scared easily. Try not to yell too much until she's used to you." Matt said. "yes, derector." Thomas replied. "Ryan go make sure (y/n) is ok." Matt told me. "Ok" I say jumping off of the sofa.

I walked up to the chest and opened the lid. She looked up at me as I opened the lid. "Is the b-bell man g-gone?" She stuttered. She's so cute when she stutters... "Yes he's gone (y/n)" I say helping her out of the chest. "Thanks Ryan!" She says hugging me. She lets go and runs over to the rocking horsey. I just stood there blushing. "Y-your w-welcome..." I whispered to myself. I went and sat down on the sofa again.

Then Blu comes and sits down next to me. "Hey Ryan, you ok?" He asked. "Y-yeah, I'm fine." I reply. "Then why aren't you on your rocky horsey like you usually are?" He asks tilting his head. "Uhhhh.... I just didn't want to today." I reply. "Fair, but (y/n) in on it! You never let anyone on your horsey!" He says pointing to (y/n). "Well....uhhh... It's her first day! She should get to ride it once at least right?" I say.

"Ok...wait...why are you blushing? Do you like y/n)!?!" He whisper yelled. "How could you tell?" I asked. "Your blushing like crazy!" He replies. I have to admit, my face does feel hot. "Please don't tell anyone, especially (y/n)." I beg. "Don't worry buddy, your secret is safe with me!" He says.

1182 words! I'm making a part 3 of first day. I didn't want this chapter to be too long. Goodbye my kittens🐈🐱💙😺

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