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It was dark and cold.... I was laying on the cold floor. I opened my eyes but I couldn't see anything. I got up and looked around hoping to see an exit. There was nothing. "Hello?" I yelled. No response. "Hello? Director? (B/n)? Ryan? I'd be happy with Thomas!....on second thought, maybe not."

I walked forward not knowing what I'd run into. Then I saw a light, it was lighting up a small table with something red on it. I walked closer and I saw the rose Ryan gave me. It was floating in the air, just a little above the table. The table was covered in water, I'm guessing the rose melted from the ice block. But there were flower petals floating in the water. I looked back at the rose and a petal fell from the rose. It only had 7 more petals left, then 6....5....4....3....2....then 1.

What happens if the last one falls? I thought.

Then another light appeared. It was Ryan! He was looking at me and smiling. Then the last petal fell and the light showing Ryan flickered and turned off. When it came back on it showed Ryan on the floor, blood covering him and a knife coated in blood beside him.

I felt tears run down my cheeks. I tried to run over to him but something was wrapped around my waist holding me back. I looked down but I couldn't see anything, it was too dark. I tried feeling for whatever was holding me and I felt something around my waist. I tried to push it off, but it just held on tighter. Then I heard something that sent shivers down my spine. "Shhhhhh..." 

I opened my eyes and I was in my bedroom facing the wall. I was breathing heavily and I was crying. Then the thing around my waist loosened it's grip. I looked down and the thing around my waist was Ryan's arm.

"'s ok (y/n)....I'm here..." I heard Ryan's voice say. Then I remembered, Ryan stayed the night. I turned around and ryan let go of me. Ryan looked at me with a small smile. I looked into his brown eyes, they were filled with concern. "You ok (y/n)? You were crying in your sleep." Ryan said. "Y-yeah...I just had a bad dream..." I reply. He hummed in response.

I cuddled up to Ryan chest, red as a tomato. He wrapped his arm around me again. "Goodnight (y/n)..." Ryan whispered. "Night." I say. I feel the darkness take over and I fall asleep.

Sorry this was so short! I promise the next one will be longer! Thank you IronDaMan for following me!!!😺🐱❤🐈

A Rose (ryguyrocky x reader)Where stories live. Discover now