IM BACK! (with a new chapter

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Hello my kitties! I'm back!!! To be honest, I'm happy to be back! Happy to make new chapters, to read your comments, and especially, to call you my kittens!!! Enjoy!!

(Last chapter)
"Hmmm... I'll name him...

Shadow....I'll name him Shadow." I say. "Cool!" they all shouted. I gave him a treat and he nibbled on it happily. Then all of a sudden we hear a voice boom through the daycare.
"Hey director! Sorry I'm late I.....WHO TOUCHED MY BELL!!!!??" I heard Thomas yell.

               (Ryan's POV)

"Hey director! Sorry I'm late I.....WHO TOUCHED MY BELL!!!!??" I heard Thomas yell. I look beside me and (y/n) wasn't there. Thomas ran in the room with a sharp knife.

"Woah! Woah! Woah! Thomas, no!" Matt said. All the kids gathered behind Matt for protection. "Put the knife down....and no one gets hurt...." Matt said. Thomas threw the knife at us and it was heading straight for me!  It almost cut my head off but I ducked just in time. I hear a thud and look at the doorway that leads to the portal. (Y/n) had fainted in the middle of the doorway with Shadow sitting on her chest trying to wake her up. Thomas left with the knife as I run to (y/n). "(Y/N)!!" Wake up... Please wake up....." I beg.

She opens her eyes breathing heavily and she engulfs me in a hug. "Oh my gosh Ryan I thought he was gonna hit you!" She said still hugging me. "Can't....b-breath.....!" I choked out. She let go and said sorry. Matt went to talk to Thomas about the knife issue. He soon came back unharmed and told us we'd be going through the portal. I was to busy staring at (y/n) to listen to where we were going. I was still staring at (y/n) when everyone started running to the portal. I didn't know where we were going so I thought of nothing, then we ran into the darkness.

We came out of the darkness into what looked like a small restaurant. I look at where we came out of and we apparently came out of a vending machine. I know where we are.....

                (Your POV)

We came out of a vending machine into what looked like a little restaurant. I thought Matt told us we were going to a water park. "To the changing area!" Matt yelled. Shadow and I followed the girls into a girls changing room and I got in a stall. Since Shadow was a boy he turned away while I changed. I changed into a (f/c) two piece swimsuit with lighter (f/c) polka dots. It also had a tiny bow for decoration on the top piece.

I came out of the stall with Shadow and we went into the park. There was a a giant glass dome as the ceiling which looked really cool! There was a giant pool in the middle of the area with a bunch of waterslides around it. There was even a boat racing area! As I was looking around I notice an area called The Tunnel of Love. Maybe Ryan could go in with me....

I went to the shallow end of the giant pool and got in while Shadow stayed on the edge. The water was shallow enough so I could touch with the water up to my shoulders. The water was a little bit cold, but I didn't mind. I know I know, aren't cats supposed to hate water!? Well, not all cats do! Plus I get a pass cause I'm still half human!

"Hey Shadow, come on in! The waters fine!" I say. "I don't know....I'm scared." He says  with his ears flat on his head. "Don't worry, I'm right here, I'll teach you how to swim!" I say.

" I go..." He says. He jumps in with a small spash and floats to the surface. I put my hand out for him to use as a raft. "Ok, how do I swim?" He asks, hope in his eyes.

To be honest, I'm not quite sure how to swim.... Even though cats are supposed to be good swimmers, I'm not. My brother has tried to teach me before while my parents were on a business trips, but I always end up sinking. But just because I can't swim, doesn't mean I can't teach Shadow how to!

A Rose (ryguyrocky x reader)Where stories live. Discover now