The whole shit boI

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( basically um up there is another oc of mine i forgot to mention, and uh i will be updating this Saturday and Sunday..... Its

SERENAS POV.( she swears slot so...YOUVE BEEN WARNED QWQ)

 As i walked in the office Devon closed the restaurant......dammit now im all alone....maybe i can order a pizza....? Eh maybe later.
Then i got a phone call....or a message.....? I look through the cameras bored as hell then i saw the pirate things.....great...the ferret.....and the wolf are STARING AT ME!?!......i flip em off
"Fuck u pirate shits".
It Glitches off and there gone.
i fall off my chair and look through the cameras and find the in the kitchen burning....the ......THE CHIPS NOOOO CRII...
"you lil bitch" a tear fall off my eye.
"They were just chips" i whisper to myself. I look back at them....they were laughing at me.....IM GONNA BUR-.....nvm calm down Serena ......their just robots maybe ur sleeping or this a bad dream....i pinch myself.
"OW!"......nope. Not a dream....
The screen Glitches out..there in their ship...finally..
I look at the stage screen. Eh their okay everyone's here. Daniel the dog, Roi the raccoon, jewel the horse. I sigh think about my child hood i then turn to my right to see.....J-JEWEL!?!.
i screech.
"WTF-" jewel covers my mouth
"Sshh Jesus ur freaking loud as a Goat." She uncovers my mouth.
she Stares at me....
"No why would i do that the only killers in here are only puma....that's why we have rocky to replace her.....sadly...." She says in a sad tone.
" i mean im sorry..." Im kinda not since SHE BURNED MY FREAKING CHIPS.
"heh its okay you don't have to be sorry."
"Oh...okay then...."
We sit in silence.
"So uh....why does puma kill....?..or if any of you guys have killed....?" I asked breaking the silence.
"Well....its a long story".
I look at the time. I have all night so why the hell not.
"Its okay i get out till 8:00 am" ask kinda bored.
"O-okay then....well get comfortable...". I get reading then make popcorn since i  brought microwave with me. I then sit down and wait.
" It all started when a boy named James. He loved animals he had lived with his mother and a baby sister aside with a dog named duke.
One day his father came to live with them James father hated animals and hated his family. When his mother left James father took James to woods along with duke to the forest along with a gun. His father forced his son James to shoot Duke. James cried. He refused. James and duke were the vest of friends. But James father made him shoot Duke. And every day that James mother would leave. His father would make him shoot animals. His father owned animal fights. He abused animals. One day he took Jane's to a fight. James cried every time he saw then fight or killed. It broke his heart till finally....he didn't like animals anymore he didn't care. He now owns the restaurant in what we are here now...... He stole a dog....a horse....a raccoon....a ferret... And a wolf he abused them...he even killed them. He and his friends used the dead bodies. An a pentagram he used the souls of animals and used talked to the devil. He then got an idea. He would used the souls and used them as singers. And start a business 'Roi's family buffet'. He told us to steal children and used there body parts. He is still running the business many children are missing. To this day........tho after all the he murdered his family but wasn't caught...." She sighs. While im here with tears. IM WORKING FOR A MAD MAN!?. but he does give good amount of money.
Jewel looks at me.
We don't like taking children's lives. Or people. Well except for puma..if u wanna know her back story go ahead I'll help you...if Ya want to."
I choked on a peice of popcorn.
"Uh..sure..but will she will kill me?....
"There's a 50, 50 chance she will but I'll get the gang to help or convince get so yea."
"Oh....okay then" i look at the time its 7:58. Wow the story was pretty long. I check on the cameras....nothing....i guess they dell asleep...if that's possible bc jewel left...and its 8:00 am im pretty tired so i drove home and when i got in i went straight to bed i fell in to deep sleep....i sigh....what a day...

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