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It's been about a week since the bathroom incident. After a little fiasco with Blaise somehow walking in on Draco making...inappropriate noises in his sleep, Draco decides to do something about it. So, he headed in a limousine to Potter's house.


Harry was nearly done tidying up his entire house when he heard a knock on the door. He didn't order any food so he doesn't answer the door. The person knocks again. Groaning, he checks who's knocking. His heart almost flew out of his chest when he saw a handsome-as-ever Draco outside his door. He quickly fixed his clothes before accidentally swinging the door open.

"Draco," he asked, sounding out of breath but only because Draco looked even more handsome than he did through the peeping hole.

"Potter. May I come in?" Draco asked.

'Potter' still sent butterflies though Harry's chest. Harry let him through and feel the slightest sense of relief that he'd bothered tidying up.

"Sit down, if you'd please. Do you want a drink or something to eat?" Harry asked, preparing to go fetch a glass of water.

"No, thank you. I just wanted to talk," Draco said, pretty nervously, much more nervously than Harry had ever heard him speak.

Well, except for one occasion.

"Yeah. Er, take a seat. On the couch or on a chair would be fine," Harry said before excusing himself to go to the restroom.

He internally screamed as he tried to fix his hair. He took a few deep breaths before walking back out.

"Well, what are you here to-to talk about?" Harry asked, confused about why he was getting nervous all of a sudden.

"About the event that happened in the bathroom. A week ago," Draco said, pretty calmly but giving a nervous undertone.

"Oh. Uh, okay," Harry said, shifting from standing from one leg to another.

Draco's gray eyes looked him over briefly before going back to Harry's bright green ones. His breath got caught in his throat when Draco walked up to him to the point where both men were only inches away.

Harry couldn't help the shivers he got when Draco whispered, "Tell me if you want me to stop."

Harry nodded as Draco got a hold of his chin with gentle fingers. Harry closed his eyes before Draco kissed his with soft lips. As soon as their lips met, Draco moved his hand from under his chin to the back of Harry's head. Harry put his arms over Draco's shoulder and toyed with Draco's hair. Draco groaned into the kiss, making Harry feel heat spreading throughout his body.

Draco broke the kiss and sighed. Harry slowly opened his eyes and met Draco's slightly frantic ones.

"Something wrong?" Harry asked, distancing himself a little.

"No. Not at all. Not when your arms are around my neck and you're so close to me. I just...can't believe I'm doing this," Draco said, eyes staying on Harry's.

Harry relaxed slightly and subconsciously played with Draco's hair. Draco's arms had lowered to Harry's waist, making Harry blush ever so slightly. He decided to kiss Draco, making the other man gasp in surprise.

Harry took that opportunity to lead him towards a couch. Draco stumbled backward and reached behind him to try and sense where he was going. Draco gasped in surprise again when he ended up sitting on a couch with Harry standing over him. He then straddled the man on the couch who immediately went to grab his thighs. Harry kissed Draco with fervor, making the blond man kiss back with desire.

"Ah, fuck," Harry whispered out as Draco rubbed his thighs.

The make out session lasted a while and it was evident that it wasn't going to end there. Harry wasn't think as he unbuttoned Draco's shirt. Harry gasped when Draco flipped them both around to where Harry was lying on his back with Draco between his legs. Draco's chest was now visible and he decided to just remove his shirt. He threw the shirt somewhere and decided to remove his shoes as well. Harry's legs at his side reminded him there were things more important than his shirt and shoes. Harry wrapped his legs around the man as he went to kiss him again.

It was something they both wanted desperately. Harry had been wanting this since the party and Draco had been wanting this since before even that.

Harry toyed with Draco's belt, making the man whimper slightly. He wanted it. So badly.

"You can't be turned on or you'll stain your pants," Harry said with a playful smirk on his face.

Draco laughed before thinking to remove Harry's glasses and setting them aside. Harry had forgotten about them and just kind of stared into Draco's eyes. There was a silence in which they both realized it might be more than just a one-night stand. Draco just went to kiss him again and Harry got Draco's belt and pants undone. Draco smirked into the kiss and went to kiss Harry's jaw. Those jaw kisses went to his neck where he sucked on it in various places. Harry groaned in content and scratched at Draco's back.

"Fuck me. Just...please. Fuck me," Harry whimpered out as Draco's hands went closer and closer to Harry's crotch.

"Since you're asking so nicely," Draco said before he went to kiss him again.

He had barely put his hand on Harry's pants' buttons when they heard a loud gasp. They both turned to see Hermione, Ron, and Ginny. Hermione had turned around and Ginny covered her eyes. Ron just turned toward a corner of the room, too awkward to think of anything else. Draco got off quickly and looked around for his shirt. Ron hastily handed it to him and he tried to button it up as fast as possible. Harry just stood up and put on his glasses, blushing furiously while Draco was pink all over.

"So, what brings you guys here?" Harry asked awkwardly as Draco tried putting on his shoes while standing up.

Hermione had now turned back around and Ginny had uncovered her eyes. Ron still struggled to make eye contact with Harry.

"We were just...visiting but if you're busy,"Hermione said, gesturing towards Draco at the last bit.

"No, no. I was, I was just leaving," Draco said, the pink in the face not leaving.

Harry turned to see Draco fixing his hair. Draco then passed to touch Harry's shoulder before exiting. Harry smiled softly before turning to his friends.

"Well, fuck," Ron exclaimed as he scratched the back of his neck.

"I-I didn't know you guys were coming," Harry said, laughing a bit awkwardly.

"We could tell," Ginny said, a slightly uncomfortable and awkward smile on her face.

"So..." Harry trailed off, wondering what they were going to say about what they had seen.

"I didn't know you were a bottom."

And Harry knew he wasn't going to be let off easy for this one.

{a/n- Happy Holidays and thank you all dearly for 300 reads!! I'm glad you're all enjoying this!! Love you all!!}

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