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Harry couldn't stop his shaking hands in the fifteen minutes it took to get to Hermione's flat. The bar was closest to Harry's house but farther from Hermione's flat. She couldn't stop checking up on him and while it may have been a bit annoying, Harry felt comfort knowing she cared.

"Listen, what he said at the end is true. Trust me. You think I wouldn't know what he feels after seeing how he was with you? He might as well have been green. That's how obvious he was," Hermione chuckled a bit.

Seeing no response from Harry, she sighed and grabbed his hand. He squeezed it and looked straight ahead. He thought about what she said and what Draco had said. He processed everything that had happened the past few weeks. It all started at a party with spilled drinks. Who knew Harry would end up feeling this way?

"I don't know, Hermione. I just...I truly want to believe him. I want to love him but I'm- I'm scared. I don't know how he is in a relationship and I'm scared to find out. I just don't know what to do."

Hermione stayed silent up until they reached her flat. Harry thought about how hopeless his case might be to her and how frustrated she must've been. She shouldn't be dealing with his relationship woes. She didn't have to but she still was with him. That brought him more comfort.

She unlocked her door and left her shoes by the door. Harry followed suit as she collapsed on her couch. They lied there in silence for about ten minutes, during which Harry was just lost in his thoughts.

"You know, the moment I knew there was something between you guys was the day after the party," Hermione said.

"Oh yeah?" Harry asked, turning towards her.

"Yeah. I had gone to Blaise's flat and demanded to see Draco. I interrogated him and he eventually sort of hinted at what went on. And then when you told Ron what happened, I just sort of guessed."


"Look. What I'm saying is...he seems to truly care about you. I don't know if he'll treat you well, but I know that he'll try."

Harry just turned towards the ceiling and closed his eyes. And let his thoughts run wild. The happy ones, the sad ones, the angry ones, the paranoid ones. They ran through his head, one short memory after the other.

The "date" before Harry saw the text was the most peaceful Harry had been in a while. The small smiles that made Draco's eyes crinkle and the tender gaze that he gave Harry. The conversations that held no resentment and that only talked about each other.

Draco's furious eyes as Harry yelled at him for not being able to trust. His desperate look as he saw Harry start to leave. The defeated look when he finally opened himself up to Harry.

The sneer on his face as he called Harry out for his orphanhood. The way he spat in Harry's direction whenever they met in school. The way he did what it took to show Harry how much he hated him at the time.

The way his lips felt. They way his body felt on him. The dominating aura of his.

Harry sat up and went to get a glass of water. Hermione followed him with her eyes and just observed his behavior. He was behaving slightly out of it but she knew it had to do with Draco. God, Draco should just explain everything and Harry should just listen. But it wasn't up to her.

"You know, I shouldn't be here just sulking but I don't know what else to do," Harry said, still very off in thought.

"You should. But it depends on how you're feeling, I guess," Hermione said, looking at the time on her phone.

"I'm fine. I swear I just-"

Harry paused and sighed deeply before shaking his head. Hermione felt conflicted because she didn't know what to do. Harry wasn't usually this caught up in a person. He handled Cho Chang okay when he had a crush on her but now he was truly frazzled.

"You should talk to him. Civilly," Hermione said. It was the only thing she could think of.

"I know, Hermione. What do you think I've been trying to do? It's just hard to listen when I get upset. You understand, right?" Harry asked, running his hand through his hair for the billionth time.

"Of course, Harry... Hey, would you mind going grocery shopping with me? I need a few things and it could keep your mind off of Draco for a while," Hermione offered.

Harry hesitated before nodding. Hermione stood up and walked out with Harry. Harry stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the person he'd least wanted to see. Draco put a hand to his forehead and sighed deeply.

"What are you doing here?" Harry asked, the bite not quite there in his voice. He just sounded tired.

"You know, if it weren't for you always running off I'd be able to fix things," Draco snapped before closing his eyes and sighing again.

His cheeks were red from either embarrassment or being upset or both. Hermione stepped in front of Harry and crossed her arms. Harry was glad she was there for moral support but he felt he should be tough enough to handle things on his own. If things went well, he'll have Draco again.

"Well, I wouldn't be running off if you didn't say dumb things."

"I wouldn't say dumb things if you weren't there being angry at me. I don't quite appreciate that," Draco said, his voice quieting down at the last bit.

"I wouldn't being angry if you didn't do dumb things."


"Ugh. Just talk it out already. Harry, are you gonna come with me or not?" Hermione intervened, slightly amused at their bickering.

"I, um, I'll catch up to you. You're going to Ben's, right?" Harry asked, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah, catch you there later then. Draco, you better not be a dumbass or I swear..." Hermione told him with a glare.

She drove off, leaving Harry and Draco standing there, awkwardly glancing at each other.

"Well?" Harry asked expectantly.

"How about we go for a drive? Somewhere," Draco suggested.


Draco nervously went to open Harry's car door but was intercepted by Harry. Harry answered Draco's attempts at small talk with snappy answers and realized where they were headed.

"We could talk here. If you don't mind," Draco said quietly with an uncertain voice once he parked the car.

Harry stepped out and look around at the park. Draco walked to a place different than where he'd been with Harry before. Harry followed uncertainly and Draco stayed quiet with his hands in his pockets.

When they seemed to find a quiet place, Draco took a deep breath before straightening his back and asking, "So...where do you want to begin?"

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