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"I- Why did you bring me here specifically? We could've gone anywhere," Harry asked.

"I like the memories leading up to here. Before...Before I messed things up," Draco answered, looking at the trees in the distance.

Harry sighed and walked towards the nearest bench/table. Draco just stared out into the trees before taking a deep breath and heading to where Harry was seated. They sat facing each other until Harry broke the silence.

"Explain to me what you feel that you have to explain. I have no way of leaving this time," Harry said with a slight smile.

Draco's spirits lifted at seeing Harry's open attitude. He paused for a bit, thinking of what he was most preoccupied of explaining.

"I-uh. The prostitute. I guess I have to explain what she had to do with me." Harry raised an eyebrow in interest. "Well, she-like I've said before- she likes to text me for whatever reason and it never occurred to me to block her number. And I've only met up with her twice before-"

"Listen, I didn't let you to bring me here to hear you talk about your sex life," Harry snapped, looking away from Draco with an upset expression.

"No, that's not what I- Sorry. So, she texted me at the worst possible time. And I've hated myself since because a fucking prostitute got in the way of someone really worth it," Draco said, looking directly at Harry.

Harry turned back to Draco and made eye contact before looking down at his hands. Draco could see the way his cheeks got slightly redder and cracked a smile.

"I-I don't know what to do or what to say to help my case. I just don't want to ruin anything more than it already is, Harry."

"Nothing's ruined. It's just...a bit broken. There are past things that have happened besides this whole incident that had us in a rocky relationship from the very beginning. We both know that."

"You mean, from our childhood? Harry, that was ages ago. My family, my entire bloodline, was prejudiced against yours because of who you were! I was a kid! I didn't know any better. I-"

"I know. That was hat our relationship was based on, though. You didn't like me because you were taught to not like me and I didn't like you back because you were so mean for a kid," Harry interjected.

"Yeah. Sorry for all the troubles I caused you as a kid. And now, even. At some point, in our fourth year actually, I started having a bit of a crush on you. It was dumb, I realized how much hate I sent your way. It was then that I wanted to stop being so mean to you. I eventually stopped being rude to you. But I wouldn't have imagined ever being able to be on good terms with you as we were...earlier," Draco reminisced, smiling a bit as he stared off at some trees behind Harry.

Harry saw the smile on Draco's face and felt his heart do a small twirl. He never learned, did he?

"You had a crush on me in fourth year? Is that why you climbed the tree? Jesus," Harry asked with an amused shake of his head.

Draco laughed slightly as he nodded. Harry looked at him with a loving gaze until Draco's eyes met his. He remembered that he was supposed to be upset with him but he was finding it hard to.

They stayed in silent for a bit before Harry asked, "Why fourth year? What changed?"

Draco shrugged. "I don't think anything really changed. I just had a moment of truth, I suppose. I had always a feeling of... I don't know, jealousy? Mostly when you just seemed to enjoy yourself with your friends. I had the moment of truth when that wretched journalist, Rita Skeeter, wrote an article that said you and Hermione had dated. The things I felt. Pansy had later told me I seemed like a jealous ex with the way I reacted," Draco said, cheeks turning slightly pink.

"Wow. God, I remember the reactions to that article. It wasn't the most pleasant week for either Hermione and me. And you, as well," Harry said, chuckling a bit.

Draco hummed and kept on with his explanation, "As for fourth year, I don't know. When you were chosen to represent our school, I just felt this weird feeling in my chest. I haven't admitted this to Blaise but I just...I admired you so much. At the dance we had, I couldn't help but look at only you when you danced with the twin. Again, Pansy noticed and teased me for it. Jumping down a tree was quite the extravagant move back in the day for me."

"Quite," Harry answered with a raise of his eyebrows. "It was around sixth or seventh year when I noticed how much you actually changed. I had-what Ron and Hermione called- an 'obsession' with why you had suddenly changed so much. I guess that was when I realized I cared about you a lot. I was oblivious to the fact it might've been something else other than curiosity. But yeah."

They stayed silent once more. Harry couldn't calm the twitchiness in his fingers and Draco couldn't find a way to just make himself feel better.

"Harry, listen, I'm just so sorry for everything I've done to you. It's just...nothing feels right. I've wronged you so many times and..." Draco trailed off, the words struggling to get out.

"And what?" Harry asked, trying to encourage him.

Draco bit his lip before blurting out, "I don't know what I did. In those days after our fight, I would get high or drunk and I just blanked out. I-I don't know whether I slept with anyone or whatever and some days I just woke up to Blaise looking at me with disappointment and I don't know what I had done. I'm sorry. But the fight...the pain I had felt after being truly happy for was overwhelming and  I didn't know what to do with myself. The only relief I felt was the headache from being hungover and it wasn't until this morning that I broke. I'm sorry."

Draco stood up abruptly and walked away, covering his face. He stood next to a small, spindly tree and Harry couldn't help but notice his shaking shoulders. Harry's heart was racing. What was he supposed to feel? What was he supposed to say?

Harry tried to calm his jumbled emotions and say something sensible but he ended up saying, "So... you probably slept with someone else while- I...I don't understand."

"Blaise said that it only happened once or twice, where I would go out and get drunk. He said that he'd convince me to just drink at home. But I don't remember if during the days I'd gone out if slept with anyone," Draco said loud enough for Harry to hear.

His voice sounded strained. Harry took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Should he believe Draco? His thoughts raced, making him feel more and more unsure by the second. But in the end, he made a choice.

He stood up from the bench and walked towards Draco. He stood next to him as he saw the tear tracks on Draco's face. Draco's eyes were closed and Harry moved closer to him. With a burst of courage, Harry took hold of Draco's hand. Draco's eyes flew open and he looked down at their conjoined hands. Harry wasn't paying attention to Draco's reaction and only stared ahead. Draco's eyes spilled more tears as he felt a weight being removed from his chest. Was that what forgiveness was like?

Harry finally moved and stood in front of Draco. He looked into the other's eyes and took a deep breath.

"I've decided that if I want to make this work, I have to trust you. And I'm trusting you right now. I hope I'm not making a mistake with this," he said slowly, as if forcing out the words.

Draco gave Harry a slight smile before he said, "You can trust me."

Harry smiled before standing closer to Draco. Draco reciprocated the movement and Harry grabbed the front of his shirt. Butterflies were ever so present in both of their stomachs as they leaned into one another.

It was an act of trust when their lips met. It was gentle and both men put their emotions into the kiss. It said, 'I had been wanting this for longer than you could ever know.' The kiss was short as they both pulled away and rested their foreheads on the other's. They had both finally just received the thing they'd been needing.

Each other.

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