Chapter 6

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Arlo kept in mind that John was credibly dangerous he realized that even before he could have done anything it was already over but then again his not invincible he has his weaknesses. 'John I know what your doing I might be ruthless but you,tch! Your hopeless."

'Elaine you better watch out for that bastard'

He just walked back to his dorm like nothing happened he just shrugged it off he really never had the intention to continue to make john miserable it's pointless,he knew that there was a storm coming no one really know.


'ugh my body hurts' he felt John move she adjusted her body to look at Johns face "hey John wake up you missed school and we slept for half a day" he only nodded in response and snuggled into Sera's neck sniffing her scent.

She sighed in his idiotic way of thinking,john was still asleep when she finally escaped from his brace she tried to walk but she couldn't feel her legs but still continued to walk to the bathroom like a new born calf. She looked at herself and couldn't help but do a face palm she looked like she just had a brawl with some one there was bruises and marks all over her body especially her neck part,she glared at the sleeping John in announce she wanted to smack him because if the marks on her body her hair was messy as can be 'I have to avoid having sex with him this is not gonna be a healthy habit'she thought.

After her bath she stepped out of the bathroom and wondered where John was she didn't see him in bed so naturally she went downstairs to look for him

"hey sera" she noticed him all dressed up and bathed he looked like nothing happened but the marks on his neck was visible so that's the only thing that was giving away that some 'extreme exercise' happened.

He came closer to sera and hugged her tightly "hey you idiot let's eat I'm hungry after a certain person tired the shit out of me" she was annoyed at his shamelessness "yes ma'am."both of them got dressed properly and put make up on to hide the marks on both of their bodies and went outside.

(Mean while)

Finally I'm back

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