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"Detective Zuma, I would say it's  a pleasure but given the circumstances...." Sloane drawled with  a mocking  smile, gesturing  to her orange overalls.

Orange overalls he put her in.

The good detective stared back blankly at the illustrious  Sloane and couldn't  believe  the years spent chasing  her ghost and finally catching  her were all about to be  for nothing.

Sloane was supposed  to be his career making  case. However, after following  the long trail of cons (some still not proven) he only managed to catch her on a petty case and she had been sentenced  to 3 years in jail. To add salt to the injury,  she had only served 8 months of that sentence when the Higher ups of the South African Crime Unit made a call.

Basically,  detective Zuma was as happy to see her  as she was to see him.

Special  Agent Klaus sat up in his  chair directly  opposite Sloane with a grim smile,

"Miss Sithole, I know you're  wondering  why you are here."

An eyebrow arched as Sloane observed the scene, detective  Zuma ignored her intense gaze knowing  it only meant trouble. As hard as it was to admit, he had to give it to Sloane. She was great at her job. She studied her targets and saw more than people  cared to admit they showed. And he didn't  want to be on the opposing  side  of that.

"Not really," she shrugged, resulting in a springy tendril to fall into her eye, "Judging  by the less than pleased  look on the good detective, you need my help." she nodded to detective Zuma, "Which will require me to be out of jail. And seeing as you clearly outrank him- no way you could  afford those shoes and that matching belt on a normal  cops salary - its something  really bad." 

She paused, pretending to think.

Let's  see, could it have anything  to do with the information leak of the private users of that dumb app?" She smirked sensing she was close.

"We believe that was a testing platform. Whoever is leaking such info, is specifically using the software of the largest security company in the country. Imagine being able to manipulate the software and hack anything,  or compromise the security measures of every account the firm specifically has?"

"It would be the greatest con..." Sloane finished dreamily.

Special Agent Klaus paused to give her a reproachful look,  "It would be a matter of national security." He corrected stiffly.

"Perhaps, I still fail to see where I fit in. The security guy is meant to be able to detect shit like this no? Ohh unless it is him?" Her big eyes brightening with mischief,

"No, but it is definitely someone from the inside. And we need you to join the company,  we have already spoken to the CEO, and he has agreed to take you on. Obviously this will allow you temporary reprieve in your sentence -"

"Uhh excuse me? So you're releasing me to do your jobs and locking me back up? No deal. After this, you clear my record-"

"Absolutely not!" Zuma protested. "I have been chasing her since her turned 18!" He pointed furiously at the smug Sloane,

"I'm just going to say what we're all thinking... You need a hobby detective." Sloane taunted with a faux look of concern.

 "You are responsible for almost a dozen cons, which include but not limited to credit card fraud, identity theft,"

"Allegedly Detective." She chastised softly,  her eyes boring into him so intensely he struggled against looking away.

"-Extortion, insurance fraud, running a carjacking ring-"

"You're making me blush."

"Ah yes, and how can I forget murder? I mean alleged murder." He corrected himself mockingly.

The mischievous glint that had been in Sloane's eyes disappeared as though there had been an off switch, and instead a cold dark look settled into her features almost immediately making the detectives heart race.

Sitting forward, she focused her next words to the detective. "I don't kill. There is rarely any class to unnecessary violence. I get it, you lost a lot chasing me. Judging by the tan line, your marriage for one. Still wearing the same suits you arrested me in- all bought 3 years ago probably by your estranged wife, shows you didn't get the promotion  you hoped for. It's probably because of those unconstitutional acts you committed getting me to confess.

A little advice, next time focus on screwing your wife instead of your job kay?" She shrugged before settling back into her uncomfortable metal chair.

A kaleidoscope of emotions flashed through the good detectives face before he settled on outrage.

Klaus looked at the two before continuing, before sighing heavily "Well now that we got that out of the way. What if we shave off the rest of your sentence, only if it leads to an arrest?"

Sloane pretended to think about it, though she knew she would take it. She hated prison, and had already been plotting her escape due to take place next month anyway. Well, at least this shit was legal.

"And how do we explain my release? I will be shot on sight if even a hint of the rumour of me snitching reached the wrong ears." For the first time, Sloane shivered in fear. There were people powerful enough to make her disappear,  after all she went to jail to get away from them.

"Well, some new evidence is going to show up, exonerating you. Of course, it will be found to be false if we don't get an arrest." Sloane heard the subtle warning.

"So, all I have to do is discover the mole?"

"And who he plans on selling the manipulated software to."

"Or I go back to jail?"

"Or you go back to jail."

"Where do I sign officer? " she gave him a smile as poisonous as the apple in the garden of eden.

Quite frankly, orange jumpsuits were so last season. 

"Will you be needing anything specific for this job Miss Sithole?" Klaus asked, handing her a pen.

"A hair appointment. Prison messed up my roots." 

Detective Zuma helplessly watched all his hard work go down the drain. But he knew Sloane and her habits, and knew there was no way she would stay on the right side of the law. And when she strayed, for even one second. He would be there to lock her right back up.

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