bad thoughts n baby talk

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"daddyyyyyyy" taehyung yelled running down the stairs and jumping on his daddys lap.

"what is it babyboy?" jungkook asks, rubbing the littles thighs. smiling when taehyung whimpers at his gesture. "the bad thoughts are coming back again.." he said looking down with teary eyes.

jungkook lightly lift the smallers chin up. "are you listening to daddy, baby?" taehyung nods slowly while trying to keep eye contact. "no matter what those thoughts are, you are the most beautiful and sweetest boy ive ever seen and met. i want you to feel safe and loved with me, babyboy. i love you so so much, never doubt it, okay baby?"

the little nods and hugs his daddy tightly, crying in his shirt softly while jungkook just whispers sweet things in his ears and sways taehyung side to side.

eventually, taehyung calms down and looks up at jungkook who's smiling brightly. "thank you, daddy" he says, kissing the older's nose.

jungkook was going to reply when suddenly they both heard a loud growling noise.

taehyung looks down at his tummy and blushes while looking at jungkook. the other just laughs at him and picks the smaller up and walks towards the kitchen.

"do you want daddy to make you a nutella sandwich, baby?" he sets the other down on the counter and spreads the younger's legs to stand between them.

the smaller shakes his head and pouts cutely. "no! im a big boy a-and i can take care of myself!"

"nu uh, youre my babyboy and you always need daddy there to help you, right?" jungkook says chuckling at the younger trying to act grown up.

"daddy noooo"

jungkook decides to go further and baby talks taehyung. "yes, baby. you're my cute babyboy, arent you! my pretty little kitty, yes you are!" he says rubbing his nose against the the baby's.

taehyung jumps off the counter and runs to the bedroom, blushing madly and jungkook walks right after him.

"daddy! leave me alone~~" taehyung says hiding his face in one of the many pillows he made jungkook buy for him just because of how fluffy they are.

"why are you hiding from daddy, hm? daddy wants to see his good boy! who's daddy's good boy~?"he says lifting taehyung up from the bed and holding him by his thighs while kissing all over his face.

"i am daddy!" taehyung cutely giggles while trying to push his daddys face away, but really enjoying all the attention he was receiving from the younger.

they both lied in bed for the rest of the day, of course with jungkook babying taehyung, and jungkook totally forgetting about making the little a nutella sandwich.

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