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"taehyungie hyung, are you gonna let go now ?" jeongguk huffs out, typing away at his computer while taehyung just whines as he sits behind him, his limbs tightening around the younger.

"taetae miss ggu though .." he pouts, resting his chin on his own arm that's wrapped securely around his boyfriend's neck.

a gasp startles the little & he squirms with little squeals as jeongguk twists taehyung out from behind him & sets him on his lap. wrapping his arms tightly around the small waist as he cradles taehyung's head to his firm chest. "aw, my baby. gukkie didn't know youre little, gukkie's sorry, prince."

taehyung blushes, shaking his head rapidly with widened eyes, "nuh nuh !! s not ggu's fault !! ggu didn k-know." taehyung cups jeongguk's cheeks as he speaks, slurring his words together adorably & jeongguk's never been so whipped.

he gently turns his head to kiss the tan wrist in front of him, gently guiding taehyung's hands to his lap & intertwining their fingers. "youre right, pup, he didnt know .. what's got you so clingy, baby, hm ?" jeongguk whispers the question on the shell of taehyung's ear & rubs the eldest's soft skin in small circles, pulling him closer when the smaller body melts into his. "told you befowe !! missed ggu lots," he whines, rubbing his nose into jeongguk's neck, gently sniffing & causing little giggles to rip out of the younger's mouth. "im right here though, baby. i havent left ?" he mutters confusedly.

taehyung pouts & pulls away reluctantly from his boyfriend's bare neck. "liar !! you do lots .. you stare off when you watchin me n when you watchin tv n stuffs ... never really here with tete." he emphasizes the 'here' with a tempered pat to his thighs cutely, a frown in his eyebrows.

jeongguk's speechless.

he didn't think taehyung would pick up on his mental absence, didn't think taehyung would piece it all together to come to a conclusion his brain's going a hundred miles an hour, a train that never stops chugging.

but of course, taehyung's full of surprises.

"im sorry, baby .. ggu'll do better for you, okay ?" jeongguk flinches when taehyung glares & shakes his head, big hands slamming onto his shoulders a little harshly. "nuh !!! do better for ggu !! always worryin n .. n t-tete don' like.. ggu need do better for him n o-only him !" taehyung rests his forehead against jeongguk's when tears shine in the latter's eyes, pressing little kisses to his favorite nose in the whole world.

after hundreds of small kisses are pressed to the younger's face & lips & a few tears manage to escape, jeongguk nods. he looks up into the starry eyes of the little, smiling a teary smile. "i will, baby. i'll do better," he sniffles, taehyung cooing and pressing jeongguk's head to his chest gently, leaving kisses on his head n cute little ears. "youre already the best to me, work on being the best to you."

jeongguk lets out a small whine & nods, not acknowledging taehyung slipping out of his headspace & just pulls the boy's waist closer to him. "love you," he mumbles, looking up at those almond eyes, n he falls in love even more at the fondness seeping through them.

it's silent for a few, both clinging to each other while giving & receiving reassuring kisses. to taehyung's surprise, jeongguk starts falling asleep first, even with the awkward & uncomfortable position theyre in on jeongguk's gaming chair. taehyung runs his fingers through the youngest's long hair, gently scratching his scalp as a whisper leaves his lips, "love you more, gukkie."

jeongguk falls asleep with a clear mind & a feeling of love in his soul.


> i need to be loved like that but ):
> sorry for any mistakes !! this was rushed n i wrote it in like half an hour n if it sucks m sorry i havent written in a while ):

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