more attention

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jeongguk wakes up from taehyung kicking n whimper in his sleep. he groans and looks at the bedside table, reading 11:07.

he decides to get up, knowing taehyung wouldnt wake up until late noon, pulling taehyungs arms off himself and wrapping taehyung in more blankets. smiling when taehyung cuddles a pillow as a replacement and drools on it a little.

he quietly opens and closes the door, walking down the stairs and cleans up a little from last night. he puts all the blankets from the huge fort they made back in the closet and sets the pillows back on the couch. he moves to clean up all the glitter on the table and floor, noting to tell taehyung to try and not make such a big mess next time.

he sighs when finishing, sitting down on the couch and closing his eyes. his eyes soon open when hearing the small patter of taehyungs footsteps on the stairs. jungkook looks up to see taehyung wrapped in two blankets and holding a stuffy, still managing to rub an eye and yawning cutely.

"hey babyboy, did I wake you?" jungkook questions and walks towards the little, picking him up gently. taehyung nods his head and tiredly lays his head on jungkooks shoulder. "d-daddy what time is i-it?" said boy looks at the clock on the wall, "its 12, baby. you hungry little one?" taehyung nods his head sleepily.

"c-can I have milky daddy?" he looks up at the younger with doe, bright eyes. jungkook tries not to squish the other from his cuteness and nods, getting up. he walks to the kitchen and looks in the cupboard for a bottle, putting milk in it n setting it in the microwave.

while waiting for the milk to heat, he hears a whine, n looks up to see taehyung crawling to him, pulling on his pants gently. jungkook smiles brightly and picks him up, nuzzling their noses together and asks, "whats my little baby whining for, huh?" taehyung hides his face in jungkooks neck and mumbles, "w-want more attention, daddy."

jungkook smiles even more and nods, quickly taking the bottle out of the microwave and screwing the top on. he sets a hand under taes bum and walks over to the living room. jungkook carefully sets the little down on the couch and sits down next to him, setting him down on his lap to cradle him after.

taehyung takes the teat of the bottle into his mouth when his daddy guides it to his lips, feeding him. the younger slowly drinks the milk while kicking his legs and jungkook just look at him fondly, occasionally leaving kisses on his forehead or nose.

after taehyung finishes jungkook stands up and brings the little in his arms, holding his bum with one while the other pats his back. the little looks up at his daddy and nuzzles in his neck, gently pulling on his shirt. jungkook smiles brightly and nods, sitting back on the couch and setting taehyung on his lap. "you're such a cute baby aren't you. letting daddy feed you and kicking your legs. such a cute princess." by the way taehyung wiggles his bum, hes loving it.

he gently pushes the little down on the couch, moving to hover over him. he moves to his neck and gently blows raspberries there, loving the loud giggles that comes out of the younger. he moves down to taehyungs cute tummy and continues, this time louder. he eventually stops and smiles brightly at the happy little, flipping their positions. taehyung laying on his stomach and jungkook under him. the older pulls him close and nuzzles into his hair, smelling vanilla and sighs contently. taehyung just hugs back and kisses jungkooks chest, jungkook chuckling and softly saying "cutie".

they spend the rest of the day cuddling and occasional tickle fights.

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