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Regina's POV

What did i do wrong this time? I kept asking myself. I can't do this to Krystal can I? I'm not sure.... Maybe i should call her. *Sorry the number you have dialed is currently not availble right now* Hmm whats wrong with Krystal? She cant be asleep right now. Its the middle of the day.. I will just text her. ------- a few mins later *2ne1's I'm The Best* my phone rings------

a new text from Krystal.

Baby Ice: Eonnie! Did you call me? ^^

Sica: Yes i just called you a few mins ago but you didnt answer my call!

Baby Ice: Oops~ 미안언니. I was in the shower and i forgot to charge my cell phone before i went to shower. 미안해요언니

Sica: Fine.. i will let this silde today because ive got good news for you!

Baby Ice: ooo What happened??

Sica: Me, Ryan and Ricky Oppas are going to Hong Kong for 2 weeks! We are coming next week on Saturday! See you soon Krys~


Sica: KRYSTAL ZELO GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF RIGHT NOW! We are going to stay in a hotel. And that is it! I am going back to class right now okay i will call you once it is my lunchtime okay Krystal?

Baby Ice: okay... i cant wait to see all of you. I miss you so much Its been forever stince i saw you.. (Technically only 2 months ago during chinese new year i flew back to Singapore remember?) I love you. Send my love to all of the oppas for me. I will text you once im done with school. Good luck eonnie!

Sica: I know it feels like it has been forever since you saw us but it's okay you will see us real soon okay. I promise. (No promises if i can't bring mum and step dad.. I seriously think they don't really care about us anymore but the good thing is that they pay for everything we need.) OMO.. Simon, AJ, Kelvin & Ray oppa's are also coming Krys! Hope you will bring us around because it's been so long since we have been to hong kong. I love you so so much Baby Sis~ take care okay~ If their is anything that you ever need I am just a phone call away.

----- After a 10 min -----

i knew whatsapping my baby sister is better than calling her. "What time is it right now?" I ask in a semi - anoyed tone and everybody just looks at each other no one dares talk to you. After a few minutes of waiting for an answer you just walk towords a girl with long black hair she was talking to her friends when you walked up to her and pull her left hand just to see her watch and what time it is currently. She screams when you pull her left hand. She was about to slap you when you told her that if she wants to be in this school she has to at least have some respect for her classmates especially you. "Yah! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!" - the girl from my class screams as i am about to walk out of class. "oh so now you want to know who i am? okay fine with me. I am Song Hyo-Yeon Regina Jessica. Now that you know my name i think its fair to say that nobody should talk to her for the next 3 days because i want to know her. So EVERYBODY DO NOT TALK TO HER FOR THE NEXT 3 DAYS OKAY?!!" "YES JESSICA!" everybody answers me right after i ask a question.

- P.E Lesson -

It's P.E now! yay im so happy~ i hope we get to play volleyball again like yesterday's lesson... While walking to the girls toliet i saw a few juniors from class 1B and when they saw me they shouted my name "OMGGG ITS JESSICA SEONBAENIM!!!" "AHHHH SICA EONNIE PLEASE SIGN THIS FOR ME!" "JESSICA SEONBAE! I REALLY LIKE YOU!" "haha thanks for all of your presents! I love you too!" "Jessica seonbaenim can i please take a picture with you?" "haha sure!" *takes a few pictures and signs a few autographs* "okay one last photo with me okay? but this picture will be posted on my twitter okay?" "Yes seonbae it will be okay!" "1-2-3 SMILE!" *okay after taking to photo i quickly posted the picture on my twitter with the caption "In school right now during breaktime just saw this group of juniors in the hallway from class 1B before P.E Hope you have fun in school today! XOXO JESS~" after twitting the picture i quickly ran to the toliet to change into my P.E uniform. A sweater and shorts" waling back to where my classmates are for the P.E lesson i saw my classmates streching and geting ready for the lesson. I wonder what Ryan oppa is doing right now... After P.E ended now it's lunch break. Lucky for me im going to go into the girl's bathroom I am so going to take a shower. A very long shower. I really need it like now. Ugh why is the girls bathroom always crouded?! ugh i hate this place... Why can't i just shower at home since school will be over like in about 2 hours.. lucky for me lunch is 1 hour most of the girls will leave soon. Ugh 2 more girls in front of me I HATE WAITING. "YAH! CAN YOU HURRY UP I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THE PAST 20 MINUTES HURRY UP!" "YAH! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?? THIS BITCH IS SO NOISY CAN YOU JUST SHUT UP?!" "hahaha who do you think I am? I'm your worst nightmare. I am Regina Jessica Zelo, also known as Ice Princess Jessica or Ice Princess Sica. And i think you must be really shocked right now because you just found out who i am. Yes i am the JESSICA that everyone is scared of because I am a really scary girl when i am angry. Seriously nobody knows how scary i can get when you piss me off so just SHUT UP AND GET OUT OF MY WAY RIGHT NOW!" "NO I WILL NOT GET OUT OF YOUR WAY! YOU MUST BE CRAZY TO CUT THE QUEUE I'VE BEEN QUEUING FOR THE PAST 30 MINUTES YOU BITCH!" "OMO... Jessica sunbae is so gonna kick you out of school for what you just done to her." "yeah the last person that did this to her is currently studying at some random school in Busan." "she is gonna get "IT" from the whole school" "I know right. Tsk Tsk Tsk how come this school can accept this type of people?? are they trying to make a joke out of our school?" "I think the school is trying to make us a laughing stock because all of this commoners are in our school?" "I'm so sorry but this school is for the rich and famous. hahahahaha. "Ahem..." "yah yah.. Sica sunbae wants to talk.. we should keep quite.." "sorry sunbaenim.." "hmm... whatever. so.. you.. whats you name? since you called me a bitch you are gonna get "it" and "sica effect" from me and the whole school. okay." "what?" "EVERYBODY LISTEN UP THIS CRAZY GIRL IS GONNA GET "IT" FROM EVERYBODY IN THIS SCHOOL SO REMEMBER TO TELL EVERYONE IN SCHOOL OKAY? AND FROM NOW ON SHE IS GONNA GET SICA EFFECT." "YES SUNBAENIM" "okay. dismissed.. you there come here... NOW. upload a pic of the girl on to the school's SNS right now okay. And remember to hash tag it." "okay. i will do it right now" 

----------- After School ------------

School just ended and I am so going home right now. *Bwara Mr. Simple, Simple geudaeneun geudaeneun geudaero meotjyeo Bwara Mrs. Simple, Simple geudaeneun geudaero yeppeo Bwara Mr. Simple, Simple geudaeneun geudaeneun geudaero meotjyeo  Bwara Mrs. Simple, Simple geudaeneun geudaero yeppeo* "oh.. oppa is calling me. 여보세요 오빠 잘 지내? 하하하 여보세요 시카 아 오빠는 또 다른 라이브 음악 쇼를 기록하는 또 다른 방송 스튜디오로가는 길에 현재.. 오빠 파이팅 아! ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ 난 당신이 치료 괜찮 오빠을 사랑 해요! 곧 TV에서 당신을 볼 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다! 내 여동생이 ~ 나에게 인스 타 그램에 사진에 태그를해야합니다 날보고되기 때문에 아 오빠는 내가이 쇼를위한 여분의 좋은을 할 것입니다 있는지 확인합니다 나중에 나는 카메라 괜찮 제시카 아에 파도 경우~~~~~~ 예 예 시카는 사진을 찍고 온라인에 게시 할 예정입니다. 오빠는 내가 씨스 타 & 남자 친구와 함께 화보 MEGA 엔터테인먼트에가는 것입니다. 오, 내가 내 차를 가야 오빠가 여기에있다. 안녕 오빠! 내가 당신에게 씨스 타 언니와 함께 사진을 보내드립니다! 괜찮 아. 내가 하하 ^ ^ 난 자유 경우 나중에 내가 MEGA 엔터테인먼트에 가서집니다! 오빠는 오지 마! 나는 사람들이 당신이 저를 알고 알고 싶지 않아! 하하 확인 확인 오빠는 오지 않을 것이다하지만 어쩌면 난 내 그룹 멤버와 함께 제공하고 당신은 더 나의 친애하는 여동생을 말할 수 없다! 하하 시카 가게 오빠 가고 있습니다. 오빠 관리자 문형 나를 호출.당신이 알아서 사랑 해요! 아 오빠! 나도 당신을 사랑 해요 .. 난 당신이 그리워요. 당신은 홍콩에 나와 함께해야합니다. 나는 크리스탈을 찾아 낼거야. Beep beep beep... ugh this is the longest phone call i have recived from Ren oppa.. its okay you are Ice Princess Jessica. Sica its okay you can do it. Fighting!"

*my car is here..* "Good afternoon Miss Song, I am your father's other driver. My name is Marcus you can call me anytime when you need a driver." "Okay i will. One thing. dont call me Miss Song. My classmates don't know that my real surname is Song. Call me Miss Zelo. Okay?" "Yes Miss Zelo." "Bring me to MEGA Entertainment. Oh and this is my school bag. Did you bring another bag for me? Oh yeah can you change the seats to the one that moves? I seriously need to change out of my clothes. ugh i stink.." "Yes Miss Zelo" *finally i can take a shower in peace* "Miss Zelo we will be reaching in !0 minutes" "okay thanks" 

---------- 10 mins later ------------

"Miss Zelo, we are here" "Okay thank you Marcus. Can you bring my school bag to my own house just pass it to my maid Anne okay? Oh can you help me call my personal butler and my driver. Tell Daniel to pick me up later after my photoshoot okay? Thank you. Oh tell dad i said hi." "okay i will. Take care Miss Zelo" 

Walking into MEGA Entertainment i see lots of fans outside the buliding. Ugh why must all of the fans be here all the time. "Who are you?" "I'm Regina Jessica Zelo, I'm the model for today's photoshoot with SISTAR & BOYFRIEND." "I'm so sorry Miss Zelo you can go in now" "It's okay you are just doing your job." *UGH THIS IS SO TYPICAL.. takes my phone out and hit the twitter icon and starts tweeting something* "At MEGA Entertainment right now. Going for a photo shoot with SISTAR unnies and BOYFRIEND oppas!" 

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