Chapter 3 - Start Over Again

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"I wish to have a longer and better life."

I wrote, rolled it up, and putted it on a bottle that I decided to put all my wishes in my life.

Today I wrote my first wish. And today, I'll start a better life, hoping that the world, who hates me, won't bother me. I think I deserve a better life.

I think.

My mom isn't around today and I'm glad. My dad isn't home for the past 2 days and we don't know why. I hope he'll be home tonight, not drunk. I know something's not right between mom and dad, I don't want to ask mom because she might scream on me again. My dad works on weekdays which I don't know what job is he working, I've tried asking him but he never tells me. On weekends, sometimes he'll stay at home doing nothing, he never helps my mother too, most of the times they're shouting to each other, if he isn't home he'll stay the whole day at the bar, he'll come home late, scream at us, hurt us physically or whatever. Sometimes I think, it is better when he isn't home.

Since my mom isn't around today, I'll just spent my day walking around LA. The last time I walked around LA was with Matt which was 3 months ago, I think. I missed him. I hope to see him very soon. What if one day I'll be truly gone? I mean, because of this disease I have, then I'll never had the chance to see him again, to see the boy I loved and once been part of my life.

If today, tomorrow, or the next day I'll be gone, which is we'll never knew, I'm glad. I mean, I don't want to live any longer. I don't want to kill myself, I'll just wait for the moment that I'll die because of the disease or whatever I have in my system. No one will notice nor no one will care.

I heard my phone ringing and quickly answered it without even reading who the caller is knowing that it was just my mother. Who else will call me? Oh, I can try to call myself. ((a/n what's wrong with me lol ok))

"Hey mom."

"Maegan, me and your dad will be out tonight and I'm pretty sure we'll be late, like past 11, so.." I cut her off.

"You mean date?" I half laugh.

"Mhm, we're okay now, I guess. So, as I was saying, you can throw yourself outside our house, like go around walking." really, throw?

"Okay, so am I allowed to come home late tonight since you and dad will be late too?"

"No. You don't have friends...I mean, with you, so, go home early. Your curfew Mae, remember." and for that she hung up. Okay then.

As I got up from my bed, leaving my phone plays some music, I throw myself to my bathroom and got a quick shower. I changed my pajamas onto ripped skinny jeans, blue shirt and a white blazer, a beanie and a blue converse. I applied a little eyeliner and mascara to lighten up my blue eyes, ((a/n i don't like blue, i swear hah)) applied some foundation and a light lipstick. I feel plain. Who cares.

Glancing up at the clock, it shows 3:40 P.M, so I stormed out of the house, plugged my earphones, and started walking. Since I didn't eat breakfast and lunch, and I'm starving, I decided to go to Starbucks to take out something to drink while walking around LA.

Before I walk out of Starbucks I bumped into someone causing my order to jump (literally uhm what)

"What the fuck? Thank you for wasting my order." I said looking in my clothes that are now gross because of this man in front of me, looking up at the man,

That I always didn't expect to show up.

"Oh," we said in unison.

Should I just stand here and look into his beautiful face? No, I should start running now before my life will be ruined again.

"Wait!" I think I heard him yell. But I continued walking fast.

"Maegan wait up,"

You wish.

But too late. I was caught but his tight grip on my arm.

"What the hell do you want?" I nearly screamed.


"What?!" I yelled at him. He's holding my wrist tight as if I'm a criminal or something.

"I'm sorry." he said.

"Apology accepted. It was just a coffee. Now let me go." I beg.

"I mean..for everything." really?

"You can't just say that in front of my face, and especially not right now. I'm not ready yet for the hurting words that'll come from your mouth. If you're going to say that you wish I'd be gone I can now cross this street and a car will hit me and I'd be-" I was cut off by a young lady.

"Can you lower your voice? You're on a sidewalk, you can at least sit there and talk silently." she said pointing on a bench.

I was staring her for god knows how long it was. If stare could kill, this girl would be collapsing right now.

Before I knew, Matthew's already dragging me somewhere. Oh I guess he'll rape me. ((a/n srsly wtf is wrong with me))

"Can you please stop saying that 'G' word? It's...not good to hear.." he said.

"'G' word, really?," I laugh, "Well, it's from your own mouth and it never escaped my mind, so I think I should thank you for that." I said sarcastically.

"You're welcome," he said sarcastically too, oh how I love this game, "Look, this is a serious talk, though I didn't plan this, I'm going to apologize," he said and took my hand, I tried to jerk my hand away but I can't, I mean, I missed his touch. I can't deny it.

"I-" and I was cut off again.

"I'm not finished yet," and I nod letting him know to continue, "You know that I didn't mean to say that 'g' word, don't you? I really didn't mean it. I don't know what to do that day, I don't know what to say. I should've think first before I spoke, but it came out of my mouth and I regret it."

"I know you-" and again.

"I didn't say that you can talk now," he said and half smiled, I missed that smile, "You know me Maegan," I missed him calling out my name, "I...I'm sorry. I really am. If I could say 'I'm sorry' for one thousand time at the same time I would. Just please, forgive me," I can see hurt, sad, and hope at his eyes, "We can start from the very beginning, like, from where and the way we first met," he smiled, "We can start correcting our mistakes from the relationship we had, right?" I nod and smiled, his smile grows.

"We can start as strangers again." we said in unison.

If course we can. I hate myself for forgiving him so quick and so easy, but I need someone in my life. I need a friend. I need him.

So, this is the start of my new life. The start of my better life.

I hope.



This wasn't supposed to be a fan-fiction so FORGIVE MEEE. I didn't planned this story so idk where this story will go but I already have an idea bc of this chapter so don't worry. This story will be more of drama which is idk if it'll effect bc im bad at this but ill try and try and try. If you have harsh comments/any insulting comments please keep that on your mind. People have feelings, so do I. I'll never assume for this story to be popular or something, idk, cos I just wrote this bc of boredom and don't expect too bc I'm no professional. So yah. AND please continue reading cos I tried, srsly, I tried to write this story good at the beginning and I'll still do til the end. I think I forgot something to write at this a/n but nvm ill just leave it for the next chapter cos this is too long now lol so ok i need a doctor cos Im not fine with this story cos in the first page, it's REALLY RELATED to me so okay i.. Ok i talk too much i mean i type too much so ok bye 😂😊

Hugs not drugs x -Monica

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