Lesson 18

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원숭이 = monkey

교과목 = a class/subject in school

교과서 = textbook

소문 = rumor

충전기 = charger

청구서 = bill

계산원 = cashier

계산기 = calculator

출장 = business trip

밥솥 = rice cooker

소설 = novel

백과사전 = encyclopedia

전공 = major (in university)

가위 = scissors

팀 = team

부모님 = parents

피부 = skin

공 = ball

군대 = army

군인 = soldier

지도 = map/atlas

책상 = desk

어깨 = shoulder

백화점 = department store

대학생 = university student

중학교 = middle school

가수 = singer

공기 = air

새벽 = dawn


자르다 = cut

요청하다 = ask/request

궁금하다 = to wonder


안타깝다 = unfortunate/sad/too bad

젖다 = wet

낮다 = low


주로 = mainly/mostly*

다 = all*

Other words:

내부 = in*

외부 = out*

저쪽 = in that direction

Words with *

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Present Progressive (I am ~ing): ~고 있다

Attaching ~고 있다 to the stem of verbs gives it the meaning of “I am ~ing,” – as in, I am currently doing something. It is called the “present progressive” because the action is being done in the present, and is currently “progressing” as time goes on.

This grammatical form is very common in Korean. Simply attach ~고 있다 to a verb stem:

나는 음악을 듣고 있어

= I am listening to music

저의 아버지는 자고 있어요

= My father is sleeping

여자들은 지금 영화를 보고 있어요

= The girls are watching a movie now

This same form can be used in the past tense to mean “I was ___ing.”

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