Lesson 20

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교수 = professor

주인 = master/owner/proprietor

잘못 = mistake/fault

기온 = temperature

거울 = mirror

가루 = powder

근육 – muscle

어둠 = darkness

기본= basic/basics

사고 = accident

교통 = traffic


잘하다 = to do something well

못하다 = to do something poorly

수영(하다) = swimming/to swim

대우하다 = to treat somebody

퇴직하다 = retire

접수하다 = to receive (application)

씹다 = chew

통역하다 = interpret

번역하다 = translate

젓다 = stir

늘리다 = to gain/improve*

빠지다 = to fall into*

사랑에 빠지다 = to fall in love

빠져나오다 = to escape/come out of*

빠져나가다 = to escape/get out of*

죽다 = die (교통사고로 죽는다)

Passive Verbs:

늘다 = to have gained/improved*


둥글다 = round/spherical

헷갈리다 = confusing

어둡다 (어두운) = dark

Adverbs and Other Words:

잘 = well (adverb)

못 = poorly

님 = adds respect to person’s position

또는 = or*

~세 = years old (18세 = 18 years old)

꼭 = surely/definitely

물론 = of course

그 동안 = during that time/meanwhile

이상 = more than*

Words With *

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Until now, you have not learned how to say “I am good at something/I do something well” or “I am bad at something/I do something poorly.” In this lesson, you will learn about the words 잘하다 (to do something well) and 못하다 (to do something poorly). 못하다 is very hard to understand perfectly, so I will ease you in by introducing you to 잘하다 first.

잘하다: To do something well

The main meaning of 잘하다 is “to do something well.” To use 잘하다, simply place a noun in a sentence with 잘하다 as the verb.

This is easy to do with 하다 verbs (for example, 수영하다 and 공부하다) because to make a noun all you need to do is remove 하다 from those words. You don’t yet know how to make non-하다 verbs into nouns (you will learn that in Lesson 26

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