19 - To Oliver

195 20 2
  • Dedicated to Bella

To: Oliver.Wilson

From: thatgirl@gmail.com

Subject: (no subject)


Chloe, nice, a very pretty name.

As for your bubbly question. I think of it because bubbles are always on the move, floating to the top. BBUUUUBBBBLLLLLEEEESSS!



 Because I'm mean, I'm not going to update until I have 5 whole votes (not that there can be a half vote...)

"already broken, already gone, already know your moving on, I'm a breathing, talking, dead man, walking. Already see it in your face, already someone in my place,  I'm a breathing, talking, dead man, walking."  ~ The script, dead man walking

I just had to put the script into this.... sorry! There a great band.. GO LISTEN NOW!

anyway, chloe.

I love that name


If your name is chloe... I envy you.


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