Chapter 13

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A/N Hello you beautiful people! As I promised, here's the next chapter. I hope you enjoy! :)

When Peter woke up the next morning, he wasn't sure how to bandage his leg. The  already healing red skin set a burning pain up and down his leg. The water from his shower stung but ultimately made it feel a little better.

He sprayed some webbing from an almost empty cartridge on it to protect it and he slid his leg carefully into some casual jeans. He stood up, it hurt him to walk, but he couldn't do anything about it. Even though he knew it would be healed by that afternoon. It still meant he had to spend a whole 6 hours with a burnt leg. 

Tony was in the lab with Bruce, trying to improve the boot stabilisers in his suit, they'd been acting up recently. There was a beep and the door whirred open. Peter walked in with a clipboard, he seemed mesmerized by all the technology. Tony smiled. He reminded Tony of himself at that age.

"Mr. Stark." Peter held out a clipboard and walked forward... no...limped forward, he was limping, he was hurt.

"What happened to your leg?" Tony raised a concerned eyebrow. Peter paused for a moment. Feeling caught in one of his webs, but he quickly thought of a solution and fired off an answer.

"Oh, I, uh, I busted my shin on the corner of my bed. Still getting used to the new room." Peter looked distracted. Tony didn't know it but a year of lying to Aunt May had turned Peter into a pretty skilled fibber. 

Tony didn't think twice about believing the teenager and signed the many press documents and shipping invoices stacked on the clipboard. 

"How are you liking the new job?" Tony inquired. He watched intently as Peter thought about his answer for a moment. 

"It's pretty laid back, compared to, well... most other things I could be doing." The teenager shrugged.

"This is pretty ideal for someone your age, your own apartment, easy job right in the same building, you don't even have to drive anywhere. A steady paycheck. "

"Exactly. It's pretty much the perfect setup. I can't thank you enough for choosing me."

"You stood out to me, I couldn't have found a better intern, you're smart, motivated, polite, you're a tech nerd, like me." Peter felt his cheeks redden. He was honored to be working here in this perfect opportunity.

"So, speaking of tech. Bruce and I were talking last night, and I was wondering if you wanted to become the third member of the Science Bros?" Peter's eyes lit up and a goofy grin plastered on his face.

"Me? You're kidding. Mr. Stark, I-I-I-" He stuttered in his excitement. "I don't think I deserv-"

"Please, just, say yes. You're killing me with your humility." Tony handed the clipboard back to the teenager, looking him over, incredulous.

"Yes, of course. Thank you." He looked around at everything in the lab. All the machine parts scattered on the tables and counter, all the miscellaneous chemicals. This might just be the perfect setup for him to make my web formula. He thought, happily.

He would need to make sure they had everything he needed, everything he didn't have he could buy on wholesale websites. But the ingredients weren't too complicated. He knew he would probably find everything he needed right in this room. 

"Just come down after your shift, be prepared for the hazing." He said, trying to sound threatening. Peter rolled his eyes.

"Mhhmmm. I'll be there Mr. Stark." He sounded very optimistic.

"We keep telling you. Tony." The billionaire pointed at his own chest. "Bruce." He pointed to the black-haired Doctor.

"I prefer Mr. Stark. And Doctor Banner" Peter said confidently as he shifted the weight to his uninjured leg.

"Whatever... Mr. Parker." Tony said with a straight face. Peter then put his hand on his chest and pretended to act hurt. 

"Ok now you've crossed the line." Peter tried and failed to stifle a chuckle. . Peter and had completely forgotten about his leg. Which started hurting again once he'd remembered it was injured.

It was awkward again for a moment before Peter flipped through his clipboard to check that Tony had signed all the papers. He thanked Tony and informed him that he'd be down to the lab after his shift to get 'initiated'.

Throughout the day his leg slowly healed up. It was still sore when he clocked out. He finished up the day and went back downstairs to see that Tony and Bruce had set up a surprise party for him. Complete with a cake and party poppers. 

He'd eaten too much cake and laughed so hard his stomach hurt. He realized it was getting late and he should probably start patrol soon. He said goodnight to his bosses and ascended in the elevator. He got to his room and pulled on his Spider-Man suit. He silently slipped out the 62nd story window.

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