Chapter 21

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A/N Hey everybody! I know it's been three months since the last chapter. I moved across country and my computer broke and I hate writing on anything but a computer, but I was tired of the chapter not getting done so I broke and I'm writing this on my phone. The excuses are getting out of hand so I promise the next chapter will be next week to make up for it.

We've also hit 50k reads! I'll be posting about that later this week and giving you all the surprise I promised, a q+a! Any questions submitted this week will be answered next Sunday in a special q&a chapter.

Oh and going back to reread made me realize I haven't given an explanation for Thor's absence, he's busy taking care of things on Asgard of course. :P  And Aunt May is the Rosemary Harris version if I wasn't clear. I like Marisa Tomei, it's just, I prefer the grandma version rather than the cool aunt.

I also saw Infinity War last week and I have mixed feelings. I wanted so hard to cry when the Spider-Man thing happened, but the tension was lost.

Anyways, sorry for the really long note, without further ado. Let's continue this shit.

Peter was halfway surprised that nothing had managed to go terribly wrong on his end while the Avengers were away. He woke up to a text from Clint, informing him that they were a few hours away. He sat up and yawned, it was a day earlier than Stark had told him, but he supposed that wasn't too alarming.

He got dressed, tossing the Stark Industries lanyard around his neck. He checked on the tech developments downstairs, stopping by the chem lab to refill his low running stockpile of web fluid, and sat down waiting.

A few minutes later the quinjet soared overhead, landing on the platform, he smiled, ready to welcome the team back. The doors opened, his concern rose when he saw a frowning Natasha walk out and Helen Cho run past him with a Stretcher. Something had gone horribly wrong.

He watched through the glass as Natasha mouthed something to the medic, which made the young woman's eyes grow wide. She nodded and pulled the stretcher into the cabin of the jet. Natashas eyes met with his for a moment before she looked down in regret and turned, disappearing back into the jet for several minutes.

He wasn't prepared when they all came out, all except his boss. Tony was the one strapped down to the stretcher, Peter froze, his breath catching in his throat. Steve was holding a red soaked rag to Tony's chest as they flung the door open. Natasha fell back as they hurried away. She gave Peter a worried look and followed the chaos down the hall.

He took a step forward to follow them but she turned and shook her head sadly. He sat down, feeling helpless, cupping his face in his hands.

It was dark before he heard someone walking down the halls, it was Steve. He blinked his drooping eyes and sighed as he noticed Steve looked just as exhausted.

"He's out cold, but he's ok. When he fell, he bumped his head, a rib busted and punctured the skin and his lung. Cho said he'll be able to have visitors in the morning." Steve said, rubbing his forehead.

It was then he heard the elevator ding and the click of heels. A familiar strawberry blonde stomped out of the elevator. She looks disheveled as she clutched her purse. She looked around, searching for someone to ask questions. She caught a glimpse of Steve and made a beeline for the pair.

"Steve, how is he?" Her eyes were wide, imposing, he suddenly felt twice as exhausted.

"Pepper, he's okay." He said calmly, the hero placed a hand on her shoulder in comfort.

"Where is he?" She asked, her face was heavy with worry.

"We can't see him until tomorrow morning, so we have to play the waiting game until then."

She sighed in frustration and sat down.

He knew he shouldn't have snapped at Ben like that. But he just couldn't understand. Those words he'd spat were venomous.

"You have no idea what's going on with me. So don't act like you do." He'd screamed, slamming the door and disappearing down the street.

He never heard Ben come after him.

He kicked his feet back and forth as he sat on the edge of the tracks. He'd hoped to come to some grand epiphany that would tell him to apologize to Ben. He decided a half assed apology was better than nothing so he climbed down and headed home.

There was a crowd and police lights were flashing. People were chattering loudly. He walked up to a tall man standing near the back.

"What's going on?"

"Some guy got shot."

He squeezed his way through the crowd, wanting to catch a glimpse of the victim.

He burst through the front of the line, falling to his knees, he scratched his palms on the pavement. He glanced up from his awkward position. He saw the man lying on the ground in a pool of blood. It had his Uncles grey hair and his sweater. But it couldn't be Uncle Ben.

He was shaking as he crawled closer to the body.

"Uncle Ben?"

His uncles chest rose and fell only slightly.

"Son." He heard his Uncle whisper. His breathing was heavy, grinding in Peters ears. He could hear every fiber in his Uncles lungs as he lay dying.

"I'm sorry." He sobbed into the blood covered shirt.

"No, Peter, I'm sorry." He groaned.

"Don't say that." He shook his head. Tears dripping, mixing with the blood. He was trembling.

"Remember what I always say?" Ben grabbed his nephews hand.

"With great power comes great responsibility."

Peter blinked as he came to. The washed out lights were buzzing and the hard seat made him

"Hey, kid. Why don't you go up to your room." Steve was sitting next to him. He wasn't sure how long he'd been sitting there.

"Yeah, uh, have you heard anything about Mr. Stark?"

"We can visit him in the morning. If he doesn't get worse." He sighed, clearly exhausted as well.

"Where's Pepper?"

"She went upstairs, to rest. Go. Rest." Peter nodded at the Caps instructions and reluctantly headed to his room.

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