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"Oh, my god! My baby's all grown up and off to college! I knew I wasn't ready for this." Joji's mom cried as she embraced him tightly. Well, adoptive mom anyway. 

After all the crazy fucked up things that's happened to him in his life she and her husband have been the only ones to actually take care of him and treat him with kindness.

"Don't worry mom. We can always Skype and call and stuff. And i'll always be back during the holidays." Joji knew this was going to happen, but he'd being lying if he said he wasn't going to miss her as much she already misses him. His dad couldn't help but feel the same way.

He came downstairs carrying the rest of Joji's things to the car. "You all cleaned out, son. Ready when you are." Joji could tell he wasn't ready for him to leave either. 

They all knew they couldn't just stand there crying all day. So, Joji gave his mom one last kiss before pulling away. 

"Don't forget to take your meds! And stay away from sketchy looking people! And don't walk around in your slippers! And Don't eat the bread straight from the bag! And wear something other than Adidas- I love you so much be safe baby!"

"I love you, too, mom. I'll call you as soon as I get there." He waved one last time before getting in the car and his dad drove off. It didn't take long to get there. 

His dad helped him set everything up in his room and gave his heart felt goodbye before he left. He was all alone now. "Might as well go makes some friends I guess." He picked up his sketchbook, computer, and wallet before he left the room.

As he walks through the hallway he stops to admire all the achievements of the sports teams in the glass case and on the shelves and on all the walls surrounding them. Although he was never much of an athlete himself, his dad was and he thought that was cool.

He stopped by the an art room and was drawn in by the sheer beauty of them all. He stopped by a music room and heard some people playing. The sound was just so angelic. He was tempted to pick up an instrument, being quite musical himself. 

He was on his way to the lunch room when a taller, probably older, muscley looking jock knocked him over when he bumped into him. His sketchbook and computer fell along with him.

The guy didn't even apologize. He just looked down for a quick second, not at his even at his face, and says, "watch where you're going faggot!" and keeps walking.

His nose hit the ground pretty hard. It was bleeding. Probably broken, too. But, Joji could hardly feel it. 

"That's weird." he says to himself nonchalantly. He brigs a finger up to his nose he stares at the crimson dot shining back at him. 

"It was only a matter of time I guess. People are just shitty no matter where you go." he sighs. "Sure as hell set a record though."

Joji tries to stand all the way up on his feet, but he's struggling. Max and Ian spot him when they're coming down the hallway and rush over to make sure he's okay.

"Jesus Christ!" Ian yells as he rushes to Joji's side. Joji can't help but be awestruck by his beautiful face and smooth and milky voice.  "You're nose looks really bad we should get you to the nurse. Max, gets his things." 

He's talking, but Joji's just lost on his lips and in his beautiful pools of grey and cute glasses that amplify his sexiness while locking away the pure gorgeousness of his eyes. The way he was looking at him made his heart jump five times. 

"I'm gonna try to help you stand, okay?" Ian held one hand on the small of Joji's back and and Joji's hand in the other. He felt so warm and welcoming. Joji could melt in his arms.

This man was being nice to him and making his body feel a happy type of feeling. He really wanted to know this man. Because something deep within him told him that this man was going to be the love of his life. 

sorry this was short but i don't really plan on making these long. i just don't have the energy right now. 

hope you enjoyed! 爱大家! 

4:04 a.m. lol. bye now :)

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