5. Chapter 4- Cooking

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"What are we going to make?" I asked my enthusiastic boyfriend.

"Well, mum said anything," Niall answered smiling like it was Christmas.

"Anything doesn't mean everything though Nialler, so calm down just a bit."

"But Liaaam!" he whined, giving me an adorable pouty face.

"Ni! Stop it your pouty face won't work. It's too adorable," I said poking my tounge out.

"Naaaw babe! You're no fun!"

"No fun, huh? Who started all the snogging? You or me? Oh... right, It was me," I smirked knowing I was right. "Unless you didn't think it was fun..." I tralied off. giving Niall my best puppy-dog eyes.

"Don't do this to me Liam! You are fun... and sexy and really adorable but just stop the puppy-dog eyes. Seriously." He complained but my eyes stayed unchanging. Liaam! I take it back ok? You are fun. Liam honestly, stop it! I love you I didn't mean it ok?"

"Awww Ni! You are so adorable sometimes," I said my eyes returning to normal. "I love you too," I said pecking him on the lips.

"Naaw aren't you two sweet!" Maura squealed walking into the kitchen.

"Muuum!" Niall and I moaned together.

"What? I'm just coming in to see what you're cooking for dinner," she lied.

"You are a really bad liar. You do know that right?" Niall asked.

"I-I- I'll be in the lounge room," she said leaving the room.

"You have it too you know," I stated.

"Have what!?" Niall asked alarmed.

"The bad liar genes," I joked.

"Not cool, babe. Not cool."

"Face it Ni. You and your mum are the worlds worst liars."

"If I was such a bad liar wouldn't I have told someone that I was gay?" Niall asked walking over to the fridge.

"True. You're only a bad liar when you're put on the spot," I replied joining him at the fridge.

"Woah! Look at all this stuff!" Niall exclaimed opening the fridge that was almost full.

"Your mum shops like you eat," I said in astonishment looking in the fridge.

"What are we going to cook?" Niall asked jumping up and down excitedly.

"I have no idea babe," I replied my mouth hanging open.


Niall's POV

"How are we gonna cook this chicken?" I asked my boyfriend, who was busy making a salad.

"Uhhh. What type of chicken?" he asked looking up.

"It's in a box," I stated holding up the box for Liam to see.

"If it's in a box it should have instructions on the back, babe," he said smiling.

"Wh- oh... found them," I said finding the instructions.

I tore open the box and put the pieces of chicken on an oven tray, shoved them in the oven and closed the door.

"It might also help if you turned the oven on," Liam smirked turning the oven on and setting the timer.

"I was... seeing if you were... paying attention," I stammered, his eyes bore deep into mine making my heart race.

"Good thing I was, otherwise we'd have food poisoning. How long does it have to cook for?" he asked laughing.

"It's not funny," I mumbled as I checked the back of the box. "Thirty to forty minutes," I said grabbing a tea towel and wiping my hands.

Unspoken//NiamWhere stories live. Discover now