Visit by a Ghost

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Tord finished loading his gun and walked out of his office, and down the hall. He put the gun into his military jacket's pocket, and, as he walked past, a few soldiers who where running around doing whatever they did, saluted to him; he was their leader, after all.

As he reached the front door of the base, he nodded to the three soldiers who guarded it from the inside, and they saluted, opening the doors and letting him pass.

He nodded to himself and walked out, going to a red car behind the base. Once he got there, he took off his military uniform, and left his simple red hoodie, which he always kept on. Then he got into the car, and was about to start it, when he got an odd, eerie feeling. He stopped, cocking his head, and said softly, "Hello?"

An eerie voice replied back. "Hello, Tord."
"Uh..." Tord didn't know which one of his soldiers was playing this trick on him, but once he found out, he planned to shoot him. But it wasn't one of his soldiers.

"Tord, don't do ittttttttttttt," the voice said, and then a blue light flashed in the passenger seat, and a small-ish ghost boy smiled up at him.

Tord was speechless. "W-who the hell are y-you?" Tord asked, worried and angry and somewhat a lot confused.

"Oh! Yeah, sorry. I'm still kind of mad at you, Tord." The ghost boy pouted, crossing his arms.

"S-still? What, did I shoot you or something?" Tord asked, joking. But the ghost boy didn't.
"Yeah. In fact, you did!" The ghost boy snapped back.

Tord just shook his head. "No, no. I think I would remember you...besides, you never answered my question; what's your name, and who are you? Why are you even visiting me? Or are you haunting me?"

"So many questionssssssss," the ghost boy muttered to himself, but Tord heard it. "Fine. You are Tord Larrson. And, later tomorrow, you end up killing me, and almost killing five more people."
"W-who?" Tord interrupted.
"Stop interrupting me! And their names are Edguardo, Mark, Tom, Matt, and Edd. You nearly-"
"STOP INTERRUPTING!!! And, yes, that's correct. Well, you didn't manage to kill them, just me."

"What's your name again?"
"I'm hear to show you something, Tord."
"What is your name?" Tord demanded.

"I'm not one of your dumb soldiers, Tord! And my name? It's Jon."

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