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Carly whipped out the parking lot as she got back onto the highway.

She wasn't even going the right way but she knew that. She already had another car waiting on her on the side of the highway so she can get in it and go home.

The car she was in was an unmarked car with the help of Jayceon. But she could tell Jayceon didn't want anything to do with her and she was fine with that. He swear she was always too sad and down and depressed but when you lost the people that raised you since you been born killed by a man you loved and you was going to marry that turnt out to be on the down low hurts you deeply especially when you was pregnant and aborted your child.

"Why the fuck is the car shaking?" Carly cursed acting serious

"I know damn well you ain't get a fucked up rental?" Marcus spat

"Why the fuck would I do that Marcus?" Carly said looking over at him

"Pull over I'ma check the engine real quick" Marcus said as Carly did as she was told

As soon as his back was turned when he was getting out the car she shot him 4 times in the back and 1 head shot.

She smiled seeing his body slumped outside the car.

She poured gasoline everywhere and lit the match and threw it back.

Carly crossed the highway as she seen the car waiting on her as she got in it ready to get home.

Luckily it was early in the morning and still dark outside with hardly any cars on the highway.

She did a quick prayer as she hit the gas.


"I really don't feel good" Cherish said getting up off the couch as Rashaad followed her

This was one rough ass pregnancy for her. It only had been a month later she was going to be six months next week and she felt like pure shit.

"Just take me to the hospital please" Cherish spat

She figured out already she was having a boy and she was ready for him to come out.

She wasn't quite exactly ready to be a mother but she knew she was going to try and do her best. Something her parents didn't do.

"Okay" Rashaad said running to get the keys

Cherish dropped to the floor, she instantly became weak as Rashaad ran to her side as he called the ambulance.

She fell down hard, hitting her head as he already seen blood flowing down her forehead.


Trey was sitting in the waiting room since Rashaad called him giving him the update on his best friend Cherish.

The past month everything been flowing good. Trey moved down here for good and he also kept in touch with Cherish.

Rashaad waltzed from behind the double doors as he sat beside Trey.

Trey looked up ready for some answers.

"She had the baby, he's premature now they got her on bed rest" Rashaad spoke

"They baby have to stay here in the hospital for at least four months til the skin get well and he is super small we can come visit anytime she put our two names down so you can go see him as well and her but she sleep now" Rashaad said

"What did y'all name him? Trey asked

"He is an Junior" Rashaad smiled


Darius walked inside the room as he seen Cherish sliding back into the hospital bed.

"How it feel being a mother?" Darius asked making his presence known

Cherish looked up startled, not even knowing someone else was in the room

She smiled seeing that it was Darius.

"Hey pimp, but its okay I only saw him two times and I been here for four days" Cherish spoke not making eye contact

"Why only twice?" Darius asked taking an seat

"He have surgery and heart problems being that he was premature but I love him so much. He's so tiny" Cherish smiled wiping the tear that escaped from her eye

When she first got pregnant she was happy somewhat but now she was kind of upset seeing that her son had to go through problems she wished she was never even pregnant but she loved him dearly.

"When can I meet lul dude?" Darius asked shocking Cherish

"When he's healthy and can leave out of this hospital im sure am ready to go" Cherish said honestly

"Okay when you leave?" He asked

"Tomorrow but Im glad you came and seen me" She smiled

"Yeah I actually came to tell you some good news I'ma be in the NFL" Darius smiled

Cherish cheesed she knew his goals and plans but she never knew they would take off this quick.

"Congratulations" She said sincerely

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