Chapter 6: Buzzin.

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Chapter 6: Buzzin.


Ever since Monday, all I could do was think about Frank. I couldn't get him off my mind. I wanted to see him, hear his voice; I wanted to know more about him. I wanted to know where he comes from, what his favourite food is or even if favourite colour. I know I sound completely crazy for it but it’s true. He’s been on my mind for the last forty-eight hours.

I sat with Rae on the bus that Tuesday afternoon, Rae's coming over to my place today. She wore a navy blue hoodie with a Blink 182 tee shirt, pair of black ripped skinny jeans and her black platform killers. I stayed comfortable in my black tee shirt and black leather jacket with dark wash jeans and my old tattered Vans. 

"Why don't you just call him?" Rae turned over in the bus seat, looking at me with interested eyes. I sighed. Honestly, I'm afraid if I call, he won't feel the same way for me as I do for him anymore. I feel if I call, he won't care. He could have changed his mind about me. But Rae doesn’t seem too convinced that he couldn’t possibly change his mind about me, no matter how hard he tried. She’s been poking at me since yesterday afternoon, not too long after Frank left. She wants me to give her his number so she can text him and she wants me to text or call him. I don’t know about it though, I don’t do random acts of kindness for a reward.

"I don't know...." I answered her, resting my head on the leather seat. My back shuttered at the feeling of relaxing.

"When we get to your place, you're calling him." She said sternly. I just nodded my head and hoped that by the time I get home, I will have built up enough courage to call him. Or maybe, if I distract Rae enough, she’ll forget about it. I just need something that is brightly coloured and makes noises and moves then she’ll be set.

The bus screeched in front of my apartment building like it always does after school, me and Rae skipped off, walking into the apartment. Rae kicked off her shoes and flung off her jacket, and shrugged off her backpack, immediately heading for the kitchen. This apartment is like her second home. I took off my jacket and shoes, hanging my bag on one of the jacket hooks. I followed Rae into the kitchen, taking a water bottle out of the fridge and twisted the cap, opening the bottle. I took a drink of the cool water. Rae was sitting on the counter; she had a jar of peanut butter in one hand and a white, plastic spoon in the other.

"So, when are you gonna call?" She nagged. I was hoping she would have forgotten about the whole, me calling Frank situation. I fished around in my jean pocket, wrapping my fingers around my phone and pulling it out. I slid the phone open, going through my contacts. I put his number in my phone as soon as he left on Monday.

"What do I say when he answers?" I raised my shoulders. Rae shoved a spoonful of the creamy peanut butter in her mouth slowly, thinking of something proper to say. The spoon left her mouth and she gave me a bright look.

"I really don't know." She shook her head. Of course she wouldn't, neither of us do. She's never had a boyfriend, and I have only had one in the past. I don't know how to communicate well with guys. My first, last and only relationship was in seventh grade and we were the talk of the School. I don’t like being in the spot light, it’s scary. He dumped me because I was too ‘moody’ apparently.

I rolled my eyes with a slight grin and tapped on his contact. I put the phone to my ear and heard ringing. My heart was beating like fucking crazy. I played around nervously with my snakebites using my tongue. Rae remained on the counter quietly, not even eating the peanut butter. A manly voice on the other end of the phone call made me jump a little.


"Hi, it's Eliese." I said, just hearing his hello made me feel warm and happy.

"Eliese." Frank said my name with a pleasurable tone. "I was hoping you would call. I need to take you out sometime soon." He spoke kindly, not pushy like most guys would sound. Wait, what? Did he just ask me out on a date? I couldn’t do anything but nod and I smiled widely.

"I'd like that." Heat rushed to my face.

"This weekend, I'm taking you out to dinner." He planned out an official date. "Saturday, I'll pick you up at 7." I could tell he was smiling by the way he sounded.

"That's sounds great." I said in an unintentional dreamy voice. "See you then."

"Yeah, see you then. Bye Eliese." He said with a dreamy voice. I couldn’t think correctly. I couldn’t believe this was happening.

"Bye, Frank." I ended the short lived phone call. Rae stared at me with eyes the size of the moon and a Joker grin. She squealed and slammed her jar of peanut butter down, running to me, giving me a tight, excited hug. We both jumped up and down, both overjoyed.

"I can't believe he asked you out like that! He must have fallen for you hard." Rae gave me an elated look.

"I hope so, I mean, I think I'm in love with this guy." I said, not believing what I was saying, but knowing it was a fact. Rae departed from the hug.

"Love?" Rae tugged her eyebrows together. I nodded and smiled jubilantly. Rae's lips curled into a smile as well. I shook my head in disbelief, this new knowledge settled in my head after being properly processed.

“Did that really just happen?” I asked stunned. Rae’s smile widened further and she nodded. I couldn’t help but look down and stare at my phone in complete and utter disbelief. This random guy that bumped into me on the street drunkenly is now taking me out on a date this Saturday. Pinch me, I’m dreaming.

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