Chapter 17

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Nash's POV

We all woke up at 7 to pack and clean up the house.

I couldn't get past the fact that we are leaving each other today. During the time we'd be apart there's one more magcon event. I want Taty to be there but I know she can't. But on June 2nd we are all meeting in Miami and staying for the whole summer.

We were all up making breakfast together. We were making eggs, pancakes and waffles. With fruit and juice. We face timed Taylor and the girls face times their friend. I think her name was Alyssa.

At around 9 we cleaned up and did a final check threw all the rooms.

Jess's POV

My emotions were really all over the place this morning. I was happy I was going home, I mean I missed my family and my friends, but I'm also really sad I'm going to miss everyone here especially Matt.

We had brought all our bags to the front door. We had to get two cabs because we couldn't fit the six of us plus all our luggage in one. When we got to the airport I just started crying. Matt was holding my hand and he pulled me into a hug. I didn't want to leave him.

I pulled myself together and we went threw security. There wasn't any lines so it went really quick. It was about 10:30 and the guys flight was at 11:30. They were meeting up with the rest of the magcon boys in California.

Taty's POV

I never liked airports. I always see at least someone crying or someone saying goodbye and it just bothers me. Seeing Jess break down gets to me because I hate seeing her upset.

We got the the gate that the guys were leaving from and it was quarter to 11.

I was really gonna miss Nash. I'm not sure about how our relationship will go while we're not together. We said we were gonna try and FaceTime at least 4 times a week, and try to talk once everyone day either threw text or on the phone. He really wanted to make this work.

'Now boarding Flight 719 to California at gate 82'

A voice came on threw the gate area. We all looked at each other and Jess just started crying again. I wasn't crying but I could feel some sort of pain. I could feel arms around me and knew who's they were. I hugged him tight and I never wanted to let go.

Matt's POV

This is going to be hard. They lady at the gate came on the speaker and announced that they were starting boarding. Jess's eyes welled up with tears. I pulled her close and rubbed her back.

'Final boarding call for flight 719 to California at gate 82'

We walked over to the counter and gave our boarding passes.

Jess and I kissed, we said our goodbyes and we walked down the jet bridge.

To be honest it was actually really hard to leave her.

Jess's POV

I don't know why I'm such a mess. I guess I really like Matt. Taty gave me a reassuring hug and we walked to our gate. We had to wait about 10 minutes before they started boarding.

We finally got on the plane and I just put my headphones on and tried to fall asleep for the flight even though it was only an hour.

I woke up when we landed and Taty was nudging my shoulder. We got off the plane and found our bags.

I pulled out my phone and I was expecting a text from my mom saying she'd be here to pick us up, but I didn't instead I had a text from Alyssa.

I looked up and showed Taty. We looked at the crowd of people picking up their friends and family and at the very front of the crowd was a girl with a sign saying 'Matt and Nash's girlfriend' it was Ally. We ran over to her and gave her a big group hug. Everyone looked at us with big eyes. I'm guessing they saw the sign.

We sort of half ran half walked to Ally's car. As we started driving back to my house I plugged in my phone and I put on Jack and Jacks songs. We were all jamming out in the car.

Nash's pov

After 4 hours of doing absolutely nothing we finally landed in California. The guys were all there to greet us.

Matt and I tried to put a smile on our faces. We headed out the Cameron's house, and when we got there we just hung around and didn't do much.

We were only staying here for 3 days then we were all heading home. The next magcon is in Atlanta but it's not for another 2 weeks.

We wanted to go to the beach during the time we are here since it's warm in Cali.

Matt's POV

I didn't want to worry about me and Jess's relationship. I knew I'd be seeing her in four and a half weeks, but till then I was gonna miss her everyday.

I think Cam noticed I was down so he picked me up and threw me in the pool. Everyone jumped in afterwords.

Jess's POV

The ride home was basically us three jamming and catching up. It had only been two weeks but we had missed a lot.

We pulled into my driveway and there was a car I didn't recognize. My mom came running out of the house with my little sister, and my two older brothers came out behind them, but they weren't the only ones that came out to greet me.


Heey guys sorry for the late update, and the fact that it's not very interesting. I've been kind if busy. So the next two chapters will be up within the next 24-38 hours hopefully.

So there's another cliffhanger. You'll just have to wait. I know the Atlanta magcon was this weekend but I still put it in. Also this story during the Atlanta magcon 9/9 will be there.

I can't believe this has 233 reads. It's incredible. I know it's not as many as others but for me this is amazing. Thank you so much to everyone who votes and reads this I love you.

I've been making edits lately... So if you want an edit with your fav/9 then dm me on twitter!

Twitter: _Espinossa_

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