Paper head, Paper Heart

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Flug sat there staring in the eyes of Black Hat. He placed a hand over his chest and looked over, "Im not sure."

"I completely understand if you don't want to I just wanted to know." Black Hat said knowing the answer atleast he thought was the answer when surprise pounced him again.

"It's not that I don't want to.... how can I? What if my soul is too weak, sir?" Flug worried.

Black Hat sat there, that was a problem too. A weak soul can't fuel a greater one. That's like trying to use a small generator to power a whole power grid. He looked away, "Can we experiment, doctor?" He asked.

Flug sat quietly, calculating every possible outcome but none came up. He didn't know how this would affect him or Black Hat. "Sure." He agreed and stood up. "What do I need todo?"

Black Hat inhaled trying not to be excited for incase he was let down. He stood up and walked around the desk, "I must know what your face looks like, Flug." He listed first.

Flug winced back, "Wh.. No, I can't... I...." he saw the desperate look on Black Hat. He looked away, Black Hat helped him in a dark time. Maybe it's time to return the favor? "W...Will you promise me?"

"Promise what?" Black Hat asked, what did Flug have to hide? A curious part of him chirped.

"Promise me that.... That you won't say anything, I don't want to be reminded that I have scars-.." Flug choked down his emotions.

Black Hat felt concerned, but he nodded slowly. "Your word is mine, Flug." He forced a small smile.

Flug looked him up and down for a second then he grabbed his bag on both sides and slipped it off revealing his face beneath. Black Hat was surprised upon his features.

He had wavy hair that shone a dull blonde yellow like old gold. His face was young but sharp withholding a soft curve to his cheeks. However, his face was deeply scarred all over with redden burns, it was like looking at a beautiful flower that has been shredded by a wind storm. Though among his contortions, his eyes. Each eye looked as if he placed the shade of the noon sky in them. Those eyes, so deep that you could almost get lost in them. Not to mention his lips which they too were scarred with a few cut scars along the tips, they held their perfect shape that made them look so.... so.... kissable.

"Why do you hide yourself?" Black Hat ask breaking the silence of his observations.

"Because I'm a... a failure, sir. I am ashamed of who I am and I forever will be, I'm just an accident-" A slap quieted him. His cheek felt like it was on fire, he slowly turned his head to Black Hat who stared at him with disgust.

"I do NOT what to ever hear those words.. You are not an accident and your not just a failure." Black Hat spat, "Im tired of hearing it because if it is the truth in your eyes, it's the biggest lie I have ever heard." He puffed his chest.

Flug looked up, his eyes welled. "Th...Thank you sir." He looked at his hands.

"Now, the second this is that I need your full attention on me." Black Hat said in a low tone. Flug averted his gaze to his eyes.

Flug suddenly felt something, a pins and needle feeling in his heart. He tenses up in instinct.

"You will feel tired, but I need you to stay awake." Black Hat instructed. He walked up to him and placed a hand on his chest, with his other arm held Flug close to himself.

"What... are you.... doing," Flug slurred drowsily as ever ounce of energy was being sapped.

"I'm peering into your soul." Black Hat said. "Well, more like feeling it since one can't see a soul." He explained. Flugs soul felt strange, it was delicate and frail. Sort of like holding a piece of origami art. Black Hat felt almost bad about hosting this soul, it was so..... small. But hard to tell if it was strong.

Suddenly the strength of Flugs soul was felt, as souls do so sometimes. You just have to feel for a while.

"Black Hat." Flug murmured.

"Yes?" He answered.

"Remember last Valentine's Day three years ago?" Flug asked.

"Yes." Black Hat said pausing the hosting process.

"Thanks.... Those were dark times for me. Not saying your a good person, but," Flug smiled at Black Hat tiredly. "Your pretty neat."

Black Hat went warm all over and looked away, "Your... Welcome." He glanced at the boy in his arm. Black Hat closed his eyes and then Black Hat took out his own soul and placed it in Flugs body.

Flug tensed up violently, it felt like Black Hat placed hellfire in his chest. His heart faltered, and his body gave away. He blacked out with a shuddered gasp.

Black Hat caught the doctor in both arms, " Now to see if it worked." He pulled Flugs shirt up to Flug's neck. There it was, the demon mark tattooed over his heart. The design spiraled and twisted in black. The shape however was very unique in this case, it looked like a origami heart. Black Hat chuckled and pulled his shirt down. "Your going to be in so much pain tomorrow." He lifted him off the ground and carried Flug to his room placing Flug in his bed.

Black Hat turned and walked out of Flugs room, shutting off his light, and closing the door behind.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2017 ⏰

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