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I hate it here. I hate everything about prison. I didn't even do anything anyway, he started it. I just ended it, for good.

"Wakey wakey Ms. Johnson, court time!"
I got up from my little bed and walked to the door. The officer put handcuffs on me and walked me to court.

"You don't have to walk me there. I already know where it is." I said speeding up my pace.

"Yes I do. We know you, you would have tried to run out." He retorted, grabbing my shoulder and pulling me back to him.

"Damn it," I mumbled.

"And besides, you've only got 1 more years from your 3 year sentence." He smiled.
Now I know what your thinking, you've been in jail for 2 years already?! And the answer is yes, I have. I have already killed 15 people, 16 now, and have never been caught. But this one time I do get caught, my whole family comes to town because of my 16th birthday.
I can't accept presents because of this shit town called prison.

As I walk into court I see a different judge. Oh right, cause I killed him too.
I take a seat and wait to be called up.

"Scarletta Johnson." He says.
"It's Scarlett, Scarlett Johnson." I say back.
"DON'T TALK BACK! Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Davidson Creed an-"
"And I'm Scarlett Johnson. Don't be a bitch and I won't do anything to you. But if you be a bitch, well let's just say that you'll end up like the last guy." I sat down and put my feet up on the table. "Simple."

"See that attitude ain't gonna get you no where." He hit the gavel." 5 more years."

The police started to drag me away.

"No no you can't do this to me. I fucking hate it here. No no take me out of this shithole place!!!"
The police threw me back into my cell.
"I fucking hate you!!!"

"Congratulations! We have the same feelings." And just like that, i was back to where I started, except worse.

I couldn't take it here, I had to get out. I was going insane! I created a fireball and shot the wall, that didn't work. I used a lightning bolt, that didn't work. I tried all of my powers except for Mailyn Mayham.
She was a completely different side of me, she could penetrate through anything if she wanted to. But the last time I took her out, it was super hard to get her back in.
But if I wanted to get out of here, that was all I could think of.
"MAILYN MAYHAM! MAILYN MAYHAM! MAILYN MAYHAM!!!" I screamed. I could feel her coming out. I quickly switched into her and she started to pull the wall off.

Cops from all around were now coming in my cell, shooting at me. But it didn't hurt. Because at that time, I wasn't myself. I was Mailyn Mayham.

She jumped out the, now open, prison cell and onto the top of a truck that was driving by.

And just like that, I was out of prison. Or she was out of prison.

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