24. She loves me

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Maan's pov:

After engagement I was sitting in my room looking at the ring Jiya gifted me. She refused to put this ring bacl on me. I placed it in chain and wore it around my neck. I will wait for her to make me wear this ring but where is her ring? In chain it was only my ring so Where is hers?

I heard knock on my door. When I opened the door Zaan and Maahi came inside.

Zaan and Maahi sat on couch and I sat on chair.

Maahi said, "Thank God, Everything went as per our plan."

I said, "Yes but still we don't have answers to our question."

Zaan said, "Can't we discuss this in the morning? I am sleepy"

Maahi said, "What are you saying? Are not you worried for your brother?"

Zaan said, "Don't even think of emotional blackmailing me. I love my brother. I am thinking about him as well. He must be tired."

Maahi said," Lair. You only love yourself"

God. They again started. It's never ending.

I said, "Guys, Stop it now."

Maahi said," Sorry bhai. What Jiya di told you when you asked about stopping engagement? "

I said," Nothing much. She always avoids my questions or talks in circles that I don't understand a word"

Maahi said, "But I am really thankful that you got to know that she loves you and kids as well. They are so cute. I will get my Zara married to Ruhaan. What say bhai?"

God, This girl Seriously knows how to lighten the mood.

I said, "I would be glad to have my princess as my daughter-in-law."

Zaan glared at me and said, "Shut up you two. My daughter is not going anywhere. Bhai now you have your own princess so Zara is only my princess. She will stay with me. You, Maahi don't even joke about sending her away I will-. "

Maahi Said, "What? What will you do? I was just trying to cheer up bhai. "

Zaan said, "You should have thought of something else. Why think of my daughter's marriage?"

Maahi said, "She is my daughter as well. Don't you try to change topic. What will you do? Answer me"

Zaan,"I will- Nothing. What can I do other than loving you? "

Maahi blushed and said," You are saved. If you said something else then there would have been no s*x for you for whole week"

Zaan said, "As if you can stay away from me?"

Maahi said, "Are you challenging me?"

I guess that they have forget I am also here so I cleared my throat to make my presence known.

Maahi embarrassingly looked down.

I said, "If you guys are done then Can we talk about the issue?"

Maahi nodded and Zaan smirked.

They are adorable together.

I said, "I listed the things we need to find out?

Does she still love me?

This we got answer thanks to my son.

Flashback starts

When I was spending my time with Ruhaan and Aarzoo in their room yesterday.

When I asked Ruhaan how he recognized me.

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