43. Confrontation.

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Maan's pov:

Jiya said,"I am leaving this house. I don't want to live with you anymore."

I am angry with her. No questions, no arguments and she decided to leave.

I said,"Why I am not surprised? Do whatever you want. I am tired of running after you. "

She said,"okay."

She was about to open door when I said,"Kids are going to stay with me. "

She said," Okay. Anyway I am not planning to take them."

I said,"What is wrong with you?"

She said,"I am doing what you said."

I said,"What do you mean?"

She said,"Don't you remember? You told me that you will marry Samaira and I should marry Ilhan."

I said,"s-so you are going to m-marry him?"

She said,"May be."

She opened the door and walked towards stairs to go down.

I got hold of her hand and said,"What do you mean by may be? Are not you worried about kids? Where are you going from here?"

She said,"I am going to Ilhan's house."

I was so angry at her words. How dare she? She is my wife and mother of my kids. She should have thought about them once.

I shouted,"Have you lost your mind?"

She said,"What if I am? Why do you care? You go enjoy with your Samaira. "
She jerked her hand from mine and went downstairs then open the entrance door and left.

What the hell just happened? I can't believe she just left. I never thought she will leave me like that. I was insecure but still I believed that she will not do this to me. This time I am not going to run after her. If she can live with out me then why can't I?

But it hurts. It hurts like hell that she don't think that I am worthy to fight for. She never fights for me. Why?

I felt tears in my eyes. She left. She really left. How can you do this to me Jiya? This time she left kids as well. What I am going to tell them?

I was sitting on sofa when I heard the front door open and someone entered the room.

I was shocked to see Jiya standing at door. She said,"This is what you are expecting to happen,right?"

She came to me and hugged me. She said,"Why are your eyes moist? I am sorry Maan. I never thought you will get this hurt by my act."

I said,"Act?"

She broke the hug and cupped my face then wiped wetness of my tears.

She said,"I know you are insecure about me leaving you but I want to assure you that it's never going to happen"

I said,"You didn't leave me?"

She shook her head in no and pecked my lips and said,"Why will I leave you? I love you. I know you are acting this whole time. Honestly I was confused at start why suddenly you are behaving so weird but then I heard you talking with Salina. You were acting so that I can fight for you and you are insecure that I might leave you. I saw Samaira with you today. She was hugging and kissing you. I thought may be she is taking advantage of your plan. I can't tolerate the distance formed between us so I did the drama but this time you didn't come after me Maan? Why?"

I said,"I wanted to see if you will come around."

She said," I am sorry I hurt you. I trust you Maan and I am 100% sure that you will not leave me. I never want to doubt your love on me but I know It's not same for you. You don't trust me and you are always scared that I will leave you. I don't blame you for this. I am the only one who is responsible for your this thinking. I have never fought for you"

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