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Maan's pov:

When I opened my eyes I saw her sleeping peacefully. I wish I can everyday wake up like this. Having my love in my arms. I don't know how much time passed but I kept looking at her.

She stirred lightly and I quickly closed my eyes. I can feel her eyes on me. After few minutes I felt her moving closer to me, her breath fanning on my lips. I just want to wrap my arms around her and kiss her sensually. I know better not to do that next second she will run away from me and I want to see what she will do. For that I should control myself.

She kissed my forehead then my cheeks and then on my lips. oh god is she testing me? then she placed her head on my chest. I can feel her tears which are making my t-shirt wet.

She said,"I wish I wake up in your arms everyday but I know it's not gonna happen. You will get married and someelse will have the right to care for you,to love you and to be with you but for me you are the only one. No one can ever take your place not in my life or our children."

for me as well you are the only one when will you understand that.

she said,"I am gonna miss you a lot. I really really love you soooooo much that it hurts a lot but I still don't have it other way. I will never regret loving you. This pain which comes for loving you is nothing infront of the happiness I felt from the love I received from you. The moments I shared with you will always be with me."

When you love me this much why are you leaving me? Don't leave me please

She said,"You know I don't want to come to this engagement because it hurts and shatters my heart into pieces to see you with someone else. I can't see you with someelse. I want to scream to the world that you are mine just mine and want to kill anyone who tries to snatch you from me but I can't do it.

I am glad I came here, our kids got chance to know their father. I got to experience the same feeling I felt when I came in this house as your bride. They were so beautiful days. I got to recollect memories we shared in this room. How we got to know each other and how we fell in love with each other, our cute fights, our sweet moments. I got to live them again but lot of things are still left
I desperately want to go to beach with you.

You know Ruhaan love to go beach. He is just like you,his habits, his words always remind me of you and he misses you a lot."

I have not forgotten anything and I also can't see you with anyone else. Why are you leaving me?why? just tell me once. I will sort everything out.

She said," I can't even fight for my love because I can never win against her. I don't want you to lose her. I don't want you to choose between me and her. I will be the toughest decision to make. I don't wish that upon you."

Who is 'her' she is talking about? who? someone forcing her to stay away from me but who?

she said,"I really wish that we can stay together with kids but it's not possible. I have so much to tell but I don't even have courage to do that so I always hide behind lies that hurts you. I did that three years back and did the same thing again."

she lied to me I know that but still when she confessed it from her mouth. I felt so good. but why you lied to me? why?

she said," I just give you pain Maan. I am so pathetic and weak. I don't deserve you or your love. You need someone who is strong minded and courageous girl, who don't give up on you so easily and will fight for your love, who will keep you happy not someone like me who will always hurts you. I am really sorry for coming into your life and making it hell."

oh Jiya your presence never hurts me but your absense hurts like hell. No one can give me happiness other than you. Just by your presence you make my life beautiful. Your absence makes it hell not you so don't leave me please.

she said,"I am really thankful to you for giving such wonderful kids to me. I can live my remaining life with your memories and for our kids happiness.
I am really sorry I can't let you have them. I am so lonely Maan. I will die of loneliness if they are taken away from me. I know it's so unfair to you and they deserve to have their father's love. Trust me I thought of leaving them with you but after talking to Samaira. I think she don't like our kids and I can't leave them under her care. I promise I will take good care of them and you can visit them whenever you want I won't stop you.

Once you have kids with Samaira don't forget Ruhaan and Aarzoo. I know you won't. My Maan is not like that. I hope you agree with me. I don't want to fight with you for kids."

Why is she talking about leaving? I can't live without you and kids. Ruhaan and Aarzoo are the best kids. Thank you for raising them so well but I wish I was there with you when you are pregnant, when they were born, in the early stages of their growth. I missed so much in their life, their first word, their first step,their first smile but I don't want to lose anymore and I don't want to lose you.

she said,"I wish I can tell you all this when you are awake but It's really hard for me because whenever you are infront of me I lose my senses. I want nothing but to hug you and confess my love to you so inorder to control my feelings I always blabber nonsense and hurt you. I am really really sorry for all the hurt I have caused you. I know how much ever I say sorry it will not be enough but still I am really sorry SweetHeart. I love you."

I know you can't resist me. No one can resist my charm. I love you too my sunshine. Don't fill my life with darkness by leaving me again.

She said,"I want to stay in your arms so don't wake up soon."

She kissed me on lips and again placed her head on my chest. After sometime I can feel her steady breathing she really fell asleep.

What is it? Why can't she tell me directly? She is leaving soon. I have to find out soon what's bothering her?

For now let's continue sleeping for little more as my dear wife ordered.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and fell into sleep successfully.

When I woke up again I was alone in my room. I guess she left.

I got freshenup and came down. I went to kids room. I saw Ruhaan and Aarzoo are up and playing with toys. They are already freshened up so I guess Jiya left after getting​ them ready. I saw Salina was watching over them and also doing her nails. She does not change at all.

She looked at me and said,"What are you doing here?"

I said,"I came to see kids."

I went towards Ruhaan and Aarzoo who smiled looking at me and pestering me to play with them. I sat with them.

I said,"Where is Jiya gone?"

Salina said,"Why do you care? Go look for your fiancee."

oh god why is she behaving like I did something wrong? oh yeah they don't know about fake engagement.

I said,"Why can't you answer properly?"

She said,"I hate you. I hate you so much. This is all happening because of you"

I said,"Feeling is mutual so don't worry but what I did?"

She said,"It's all because of you. If you have listen to us three years back. If you didn't get ready to married Maahi. only if- forget it why I am even talking with you."

She left from there.

I remembered how Sameer and Salina tried to talk to me. They said Jiya is innocent. She is right, only if I have listened to them. I would have been with Jiya and my kids.

but now. How will I get to know? I don't want to talk to Sameer. This Salina will not tell me, then how?

oh yeah letters. Sameer sent me a letter that time. I was so angry that I didn't read them. Where I kept them?

I have to look for them. I lifted Ruhaan and Aarzoo in my arms and took them to my room. I placed them on bed and started searching for letters. I hope I have not thrown it away.

Hope you are enjoying :)

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