Chapter 2

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Lynn's POV (mom)

Lisa came into the house screaming, which is not unusual. "I'm in the kitchen Lisa!" I yelled to her. She came sprinting in out of breath. "GUESS WHAT?" she screamed causing my husband Mike to come into the kitchen. "What's going on?" he said. "We're going on tour with One Direction!" she yelled. " OH MY GOSH HONEY, CONGRATULATIONS!" I was surprised and proud of my little girls. My husband kissed her on the forehead and gave her a hug. "Thanks dad." " Mom we have a meeting with him Monday, at Syco Records, and we have to perform for him." " Well you guys should go prepare for it" I said. "Ok, we will" Lisa said and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

Lisa's POV

I ran upstairs to me, Dani's, and Lauren's bedroom, and saw that all of the girls were in there. "Guys we have to practice" Amy said. We all agreed and went into our home studio. "What song should we do?" Lauren asked. Of course we all wanted to do different songs. Christina wanted to do Made In America, Katherine wanted to do Million Bucks, I wanted to do Skyscraper, Amy wanted to do I Want Crazy, Lauren wanted to do Pray, and Dani wanted to do Windows Down. Since we couldn't decide we twitted the songs that each of us wanted and asked our followers to pick. We could do two songs so the two songs with the most votes would be the winners. The most votes was for Made In America, and for Skyscraper. After we picked the songs we went to practice. We practiced until it was about 11 am. Practice went well so all we had to do was go to bed, get up early, get ready, eat, rehearse, then go to Syco Records. I was so nervous, especially with going on tour with 1D. I really had a crush on Niall. His Irish accent was so cute and his blonde hair....... sleep then overtook me.

Dani's POV

"DANI WAKE UP!" I heard Lauren yell. " Five more minutes" I groaned. "NO, we're running late so we have to go NOW!" she screamed. "What, how, and how long do we have?" I asked. " We overslept obviously, and about 45 minutes" she replied annoyed. " Ok I'll go take a shower" I said getting up. "Can't she replied. Lisa's in there and Amy has it next, sorry." "Well they can't take forever." I said running to the bathroom door. I started banging on it and screaming at Lisa to hurry up. After about ten minutes she finally came out. Then Amy went in and came out five minutes after ( not hogging the bathroom like Lisa does). I run in and strip my clothes off. When I hop in the shower I realize it was too early and the water was still cold. I screamed and jumped out freezing. After it warmed up I got back in and washed my hair. I got out then went to my room and put on what I wore for the Subway commercial. I ran downstairs to have a quick breakfast. Mmmmmm toast and Nutella, my favorite. I checked my phone, it was 7:45. We had to go now or we'd be late. "GUYS WE HAVE TO GO NOW. IT'S 7:45" I screamed. "Coming" they replied. We all piled into the van. Christina was in the passenger seat and my mom was in the driver seat. After we all got in we were on our way and made it with five minutes to spare.

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