Chapter 6

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I let out a bloodcurdling scream. "Harry!" I screamed. Suddenly I started crying uncontrollably. "Lisa! Are you ok?!? What's wrong?!?" "You scared me!" I said trying to control my crying and breathing. He rubbed the back of his neck, " Sorry," he said. "It's ok," I replied even though it was not. " Why didn't you go to dinner with everyone else?" He asked. "Why didn't you?" "I asked first." So stubborn. "Well I really wasn't feeling hungry." Lie. "Oh." and awkward silence filled the room until my stomach growled loudly. "You sure about that?" Harry asked. "Positive." I replied with a (fake) smile. "Righhhht....., I'll order a pizza." he walked out and a few minutes later he came back on the phone. "What kind?" "I'm not hungry." I replied. "I'm not dumb Lisa." "Fine I want margherita pizza." "Yeah one margherita and a cheese. Yup........Cash.........Ok thanks. Should be here in less than an hour." "Thanks Harry." "So why didn't you go to dinner if it wasn't because you were hungry?" "I was thinking." "About what?" "Stuff." I hated how Harry was so nosy. "To be honest, it's none of your business." "Why are you so defensive?" "I'm not, I just don't like when people ask so many questions." "I asked one, and I don't like how your speaking to me!" " How I'm speaking to you?!?!" Now I was getting angry, and I didn't like how he was raising his voice. "Yes, your not making me wanna talk to you!" "THEN DON'T!!!" I screamed at him. I think I hit a nerve I shouldn't have. "FINE! I THOUGHT YOU WANTED COMPANY AND I JUST WANTED TO TALK SOMEONE BUT YOU WERE OBVIOUSLY THE WORSE POSSIBLE PERSON TO TALK TO AND I WISH THAT THIS CONVERSATION NEVER HAPPENED BECAUSE YOU HAD TO ACT LIKE A CHILD. I MEAN GET OVER YOURSELF!!!" Hurtful much. I didn't answer him I just turned away from him holding back tears until I couldn't possibly couldn't anymore. I was bawling and Harry didn't even come to comfort me. I turned back around to see Harry was gone. I just wanted to go home. I got my purse and walked out of the studio only to see Harry on the stairs with two boxes of pizza. "Pizza's here." he says without even looking at me. I ignore him and walk down the stairs. How am I gonna get home? it's only been about 30 minutes since they left and they're most likely getting dessert. I wonder what kind. Maybe chocolate cake......focus Lisa. I guess I'm going to have to walk home. I stop at the bottom of the stairs to weigh my choices: walk home or sit with Harry while I wait for everyone to come back......walk home. I kept on walking until I heard footsteps. "Stop following me Harry." I say coldly. "You can't walk home." I ignore him again. I shouldn't push his buttons but I'm so pissed off I didn't really care. "Lisa." Still ignoring him, but walking a little faster. "Lisa." he says a bit louder. I ignore him again and go into a fast walk. "Lisa stop ignoring me." he says a bit annoyed. I start to jog. "Lisa." he growls "stop now." I start sprinting. I hear Harry behind me running catching up to me fast. "LISA!" he finally screams and lurches forward grabbing my arm. "Let go now!" I yell. "No not until you tell me what's wrong." If you don't let go-" " What?" Suddenly I screamed like I was being murdered. I frightened Harry because he jumped a little. I kept going until he put a hand over my mouth. I bit him then smirked when a saw I saw it turn purple. "OK I'M SORRY FOR YELLING AT YOU BUT YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO BITE ME!!" "You think I'm mad because you yelled at me?" I asked in a surprisingly calm tone. "How would you feel if I kissed.... I DON'T KNOW NIALL IN FRONT OF YOU AND THEN NOT CONFRONT ME ABOUT IT AFTER!!!!" "I'm sorry." "I'm sorry? That's all you have to say?" "Lisa don't please, I'm sorry I didn't know you felt that way." "Just go back to England Harry." I sighed and walked away until I was pulled back. I was looking into Harry's eyes for the first time since our argument. "Only if you come with me," he said it with a smile. His eyes had sympathy in them. He pulled me closer to him by my waist. Our faces inched closer and closer until our lips barely touched. I had butterflies in my stomach and I could feel Harry's heartbeat through my hands. Finally our lips touched. I felt caterpillars form into butterflies in my stomach(cheesy I know). We pulled away. "Do you wanna go out sometime" Harry asked. "As in a date?"(noooo go out as in being murdered, I'm so stupid). "What else?" he asked. "Yes. But I guess you already that I would say yes." I say with a smile. "More like hoping" he replied as he took me hand and started walking me back to the studio. When we walked in we saw everyone else sitting there laughing. I took my hand away from Harry's as soon as possible so no one would see. "Took you guys long enough." I said annoyed. "Sorry we were having a great time "Christina said. "We can go now if you want. "Ok" I say. As we walk out I wink at Harry. He smiles back as I take out my phone.

Sorry for the short chapter. I have school tomorrow and I hate waking up early when I don't get enough sleep. Toodles


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