Chapter 7: The Nurse Is In

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The stench of body spray clouded my nose, as I stepped in front of the locker door, which was labeled 13 in silver numbers.

As the lockers are blue, the entire room is bathed in white.

I stare hard at the massive lock, blocking the door.

It has a black dial with small white numbers written around it. Checking my surroundings, I patiently tried the lock.

With a small click, I remove the lock and peered inside.

It is the blue nurse outfit, that charismatic guy was wearing. As I change, I stuffed my clothes into the locker, and shut the door in front of me.

But before I even stifled a groan, I open the door and walked out.

My messy hair hangs in front of my eyes, but I angrily brushed it away and try to find the door to the morgue.

As always, I walk straight down the hallway, wearing a fake smile and lift my head very proudly.

Retard, you look like a serial killer.

But nevertheless, the nurses and doctors walk passed me, minding their own business.

I kept going forward, until I notice a door to my right.

Like most hospital doors, it includes a glass window, a white finish, and a rusty doorknob.

But unlike them, it has the word, MORGUE, written across the glass.

Taking a deep breath, I turn the knob and enter inside.

I was relieved to find the morgue is empty; it is a spacious room, with corpse lockers on the gray walls, blue tiles scattering across the floor, and the smell of death approaching my nose.

In the center of the room is a long bed, covered in sheets of white. It seems as though there is something under it.

My thoughts are confirmed as I pulled away the sheet.

Looking straight at my face is Miles' corpse. The kid has brown hair, pale skin, and bruises. Because of the procedures, his clothes were removed from his body.

Poor kid, I thought to myself.

My green eyes then perked up, spotting the autopsy report sitting on the metal table.

The file is opened to the first page, showing pictures of the corpse and the names of family members.

Curious, I scooped up the file and flipped the pages very carefully.

Unlike my Irene, I have a photographic memory.

Memorizing dates, serial numbers, and grocery lists were never a problem for me; when I was little, I recited five chapters of the novel, The Old Man in the Sea.

While Seth rolls his eyes, Mom and Dad are impressed.

I occasionally help them with their bills, mortgages, and finances.

According to the autopsy report, this kid has been murdered before his foster parents showed up.

There are thick, purple bruises around his neck, but old ones all over his arms and cheeks.

I am guessing that this isn't the first time Miles had gotten a spanking.

I continued skimming through the words, until I spotted something out of the ordinary: his liver, as well as his intestines, are covered in whiskey; the rum kind.

"Oh wow," I breathed, looking back at the corpse before gazing at the sheets.

But luckily, Miles ingested two drops of it.

Putting back the file where I left it, I threw the cloth over Miles' face and went back to the door.

Unfortunately, a doctor came into the morgue.

He had shaved brown hair, blue eyes, and the face that could be on the page of Vanity Fair.

The doctor had his white trench coat, green shirt, dark red tie, and brown pants.

But not only is he not wearing any shoes, but he was pressing his lips against a smoking hot blond, with a red party dress and matching heels.

I watch as the couple collapsed against the wall near the doorway, too busy to even notice me.

While their lips are squishing each other, I reach into my pocket, take out my BlackBerry, and took several snapshots of their makeout session.

Afterwards, I drop the phone back into my pocket, snuck out the door, and closed it in front of me.

"Hey!" someone shouted behind me.

"Are you supposed to be in there?"

I turn to see a stocky, angry woman wearing a white nurse's outfit.

She had a frog sized mouth, gray hair, sharp brown eyes, and the body of a sumo wrestler.

Even though I was afraid of her, I couldn't break my cover.

"Unfortunately,"  I chuckled nervously.

"The boss insists that I should do another check on the body before it gets sent to-"

"Do I know you?" the nurse interrupted.

I shake my head no.

"I'm new here," I lied.

"Really?" she said, peering my face.

I nodded timidly.

The nurse continues to gaze into my eyes, until she grunts my approval.

"Okay," she said. "I'm sorry about my attitude, kid."

"What's your name, anyway?"

"Chris," I answered, shifting away from her.

"I have to go."

The lady gives me a strange look, then opened the door to the morgue.

Even though I kept moving forward, I expect the woman to scream, or even shield her eyes in embarrassment.

But when I glance back, the nurse came out of the room. Her face seems blank, almost without any emotion.

Did she caught the two in the act? I wondered.

But I didn't stay too long to find out.

As soon as I came across the locker room, I quickly change into my casuals, and dash out of the hospital before the surveillance cameras notice me.

The minute I lean against the glass door, I sigh in relief.

"I'm safe," I mumble to myself.

"I'm safe."

"Of course you are," a voice snorts.

I glanced up to see Seth crossing his arms.

He has a sideways red baseball cap, a yellow Spongebob Squarepants t-shirt, jeans, and red sneakers.

"You just had to cause trouble," he sighs.

"You do know those cameras were watching you."

I thought back to the time I arrived to the locker room.

Crap, I was so busy trying to get my hands on the autopsy that the cameras capture my every move.

"You're lucky I disrupted the security feed," Seth groaned.

"Next time, do me a favor and don't get caught."

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