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Star's P.O.V
*RING, RING* Yay!!! We get to leave and go home. Today went pretty good. I ended up having Janna's number and Jackie's number.  We decided to have each other's numbers if we ever wanted to hang out and stuff. I went to my locker to put my stuff away. Janna was already there so we talked for a bit. "Hey Star." Janna said leaning against her locker. "Hey Janna." I responded back. "So.. how was your first day here besides Marco being a jerk." Janna asked.

"Not bad." I giggled. All of a sudden I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist. "Let. GO!" I yelled turning around to see Marco. Even if it wasn't him I would've still yelled. "Aww. What's wrong? Is the little princess mad?" He teased. "Leave me alone jackass!" I yelled at him. "Marco just leave her alone." Janna told him. "Tsk. Your no fun Janna. You used to be fun until she showed up." Marco said back to Janna. "I'm still fun but your crossing the line." Janna said.

Janna's P.O.V.
If she wants her space he should respect that. "I'm not crossing the line. I've always done this to other girls and you've never said anything about it." Marco said. "Just stop ass crack." I spit back. "Whatever." He said and let go of Star. Star went behind me. "Don't worry he's messing around. He meant no harm." I told her. "Ok" Star said. "Where do you live Star?" "O-oh, well.... they gave me this address and they said I'll be living here." She said pulling out a piece of paper and looking at it.

"Oh, ok. Well see ya tomorrow Star." I said. "See ya" Star said back.

Wait for it... (Star x Bad Boy Marco) [Under Editing]Where stories live. Discover now