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~Your POV~

You sat on your bed. You knew that you would have to leave Asgore in order to see Sans again... but, Asgore was so heartbroken already, did you need to make it worse? Apparently you did. Because that night, you put your plan into action.

~Time skip to night time~

You grabbed all of your stuff and put it into your bag. After you made sure you had everything, you headed towards the stairs. When you got to the stairs, tears streamed down your cheeks. Then, you ran.

'They send me away to find them a fortune

A chest filled with diamonds and gold'  

You got to the end of the stairs and remembered your parents. Did they remember what happened? Is that why they were chasing you?

'The house was awake, the shadows and monsters

The hallways, they echoed and groaned'

The hallways made echoing sounds as you walked through them.

'I sat alone, in bed till the morning

I'm crying, "They're coming for me"'

The tears kept rolling down your face. Would Frisk come back? You couldn't lose Sans again. Not... again...

'And I tried to hold these secrets inside me

My mind's like a deadly disease'  

You tried to keep it a secret that you were depressed. That only means that they won, right?

'I'm bigger than my body

I'm colder than this home

I'm meaner than my demons

I'm bigger than these bones'  

You knew you were meant for something more... you just didn't know yet.

'And all the kids cried out, "Please stop, you're scaring me"

I can't help this awful energy'  

You always scared kids with the aura you gave off. Well, you could easily scare anyone. You made it outside the RUINS.

'God damn right, you should be scared of me

Who is in control?'

You never did know if Frisk was going to take over you or that other human. There was a twig too big to pick up in your path. You passed it.

'I paced around for hours on empty

I jumped at the slightest of sounds'

  Then, there was a snap. The sound made you jump and whirl around, to show that the twig was in two. You continued on.

'And I couldn't stand the person inside me

I turned all the mirrors around'

You didn't like the way you looked at all. You thought you were ugly... well, so did everyone else.

'I'm bigger than my body

I'm colder than this home

I'm meaner than my demons

I'm bigger than these bones'

You thought you were good for something. Were you? What was your purpose? Well, you were the practice dummy that everyone thought they could try out their karate on. That's your purpose... wasn't it?

'And all the kids cried out, "Please stop, you're scaring me"

I can't help this awful energy'

You couldn't help feeling sad... you were just... sad. You heard crunching foot steps behind you.  

'God damn right, you should be scared of me

Who is in control?'

You continued walking, except you kind of slowed down.  

'I'm well acquainted with villains that live in my head

They beg me to write them so they'll never die when I'm dead

And I've grown familiar with villains that live in my head

They beg me to write them so I'll never die when I'm dead'

  You knew Frisk would start talking to you soon. You knew it all to well.

'I'm bigger than my body

I'm colder than this home

I'm meaner than my demons

I'm bigger than these bones'  

You stopped at a gate, knowing Papyrus was right behind you.

'And all the kids cried out, "Please stop, you're scaring me"

I can't help this awful energy

God damn right, you should be scared of me

Who is in control?'


'And all the kids cried out, "Please stop, you're scaring me"

I can't help this awful energy

God damn right, you should be scared of me

Who is in control?'  

Before you could do anything, you saw Sans in the distance, running towards you.

{{ Word count: 649 words

Hey! I hope you enjoyed the second chapter.

See ya in the next chappy!~ }}

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