* recognition *

143 20 425

before we begin, i'm sorry if the way i write is annoying lol i don't capitalize my words when I text, this is just how my phone is set up.

well, congratulations to all of the nominees, finalists, runner ups, and winners!

if you didn't win anything, it doesn't mean that you're an awful writer and that your books are garbage. not true! we're all amazing writers and like i always say, everyone writes different.

i know that the fanfic awards is the perfect opportunity for you to get your name out there and when you don't win or make it past the first round, you start to wonder what you're doing wrong.

truth is, it's hard to get popular on wattpad and it doesn't happen overnight. when i signed up last year in july, i was lost as hell and i was thankful to have ten followers. sometimes it takes months, or maybe even years, but you have got to be patient sis.

some writers just get lucky and blow up quickly, then there's some who literally started from the bottom and worked their way to the top. it wasn't just given to them, they worked for it. that's why you bitter ass raggedy annes should not feel some type of way towards them because if they can do it, you can too.

the voting stage was ruined and i literally sat and watched you guys vote. in about ten minutes, i had more than 100 notifications and there was a couple of creatures that came to my page without even knowing what the hell is going on, and voted for only one person.

yes, we payed attention to everything and that's why i closed voting hours later smh oh and just know that while you were thinking "oh this is my girl, so i'm just gonna vote for her lmao hell fuck the other amazing writers and books, i'm just gonna vote for her in each category, give her the full 20 points and move on", we simply marked every vote invalid.

shoutout to michaeljacksonisperf and ayeitsdanielle__ for giving us the idea to do it. no we didn't delete your votes, we just didn't count them lol

and let me tell you, it caused some damage for that writer or book. some writers lost about 60 points per category just because you decided to be petty. well sis, we can be petty too.

yup, your votes wasn't counted

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yup, your votes wasn't counted. all of that typing that you've done went to waste, sorry felicia.

but the rest of you was very diverse with your voting and i appreciate it. continue to be a team player, support each other, stay positive, and you will get far in life.

to all of the runner ups, you are just as amazing as the winners! remember, second place feels just as good as first.

to all of the nominees, if you didn't make it as a finalist, please don't look down on yourself. being nominated or even mentioned is a blessing itself because even though you didn't make it to the next round, you still had people nice enough to consider you so still be grateful.

The 2017 Eazy-E and N.W.A. Fanfic Awards Where stories live. Discover now