There once was a beast, a very ancient beast called the Ceadeus. It's power, is unimaginable. Legendary elder dragons known as both "shining giants of the depths" and "great sea dragons." Not confirmed to exist until recently. The Moga quakes were due to the Ceadeus butting its abnormally long horns into the earth.
*Location: Underwater Ruins.
*Quest: Save Moga Village!
*Reward: 6000 zenny - Fee: 550z*Goal- Repel 1 [Ceadeus]
*Ceadeus Hide-100%
*Ceadeus Scale-35%
*Monster Bone L-15%
The Story of The Lonely Ceadeus
CasualeThis is Story, about a Ocean Dragon called the Ceadeus. This lonely Ocean Dragon, is called The Ceadeus, he is classified as an Elder Dragon. He is the only one left on the world, or at least that is what all the Hunters from the Hunters Guild think...