The secret husband

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Previously on Queen of the Dragons ...............................

Layla POV

I was ready to tell Lucy how she had to marry .... i was interrupted by Lucy when she asked what i was thinking about I told her it was about her future as Queen  you have to have a husband to be the King of the realm and I decided that her husband will be................

Lucy POV

" I decided your husband will be......" my mom said when suddenly Celestia walked in and told her that she needs to talk to her in private.

                                                                in fairy tail

"master there is no sign of Lucy its been 3 moths since she left!!" shouted Gray. "I know my child" said master " Gray we must find Lucy and apologize." said master "yes Gramps" said Gray Gray left Gramp's office and went to speak with the others."Gray left Gramps office "Gray what did Gramps say!" natsu shouted "He said we need yo find Lucy and apologize to her". "Everyone I think we should go look for Lucy again" said Erza "I agree!"Levy shouted in agreement .They all nodded and set out to find Lucy. *Lucy i'm sorry please come back* Natsu

                                                             in the dragon realm

Lucy POV 

When Celestia came  out i asked my mother what happened she said "Lucy i am sorry but you have to marry Acnologia", What!!?!?" i shouted at that moment Acnologia walked in with a straight face.Acnologia noticed my shocked face "So i see you told here about the marriage."he said. My mom said "yes i did and the wedding will be this weekend." "What!, Why so soon!?!" i shouted at the top of my lungs.  'Because you need a husband" said my mom and Acnologia in unison.

Acnologia POV

I wonder why my "Precious Queen" thinks its to soon. Is she expecting a longer time i wonder. Proberly I'll ask her *No Acnologia focus* I need to focus on conquering the Dragon Realm. When I conquer this realm I'll make sure to wipe her memory of Fairytail for good. THen she'll join me in conquering the world. But if she has a child i'll make sure and train it good so that it will be a great leader in the future. 

                                                                     with lucy

Lucy POV 

I wonder why Acnologia is smirking. Its kind of cute *wait what am i saying he is evil I can't be fallling for him something bad might happen.WHat if when i marry him he ends up killing my mother or the dragons. I wish I was back on earth but not in fairytail but somewhere else. I feel like turning and do that when i learn all the magic I need to day. The neext day i had Metalicana for Metal and Iron magic, Celestia for Celestial magic, Lucinda for Heaven magic and Irene for Requip magic. The hardest on was celestia magic because of the stardress Aquarius and Urano Metria at the same time.

 The hardest on was celestia magic because of the stardress Aquarius and Urano Metria at the same time

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"Ms.Lucy we have to move on" said Iren-sensi. "Ok, here we go Requip Fire Empress Armor

 "Ok, here we go Requip Fire Empress Armor

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"Great Ms.Lucy you finally got it"said Irene-sensi happily. "Thanks"i said "Irene-sensi can you take me to the Earthland Realm I need to pick up something" i said to Irene -sensi. She said"OK". "Shall we go"she said. "Yes!" i said enthusiastically. 

                                                                        in the Human Realm

                                                                            in lucy room 

When we finally inside my room i sent Irene back to the Dragon Realm telling her i'll call her if I need i'm ready to come back. Immediately started looking for the gift. *Where the hell could it be ,"AAh! Maybe i left it in my pants draw"* i said in realization. Then i walked to my dresser and opened the drawer. As I saw the small wrapped box"There it is!" I shouted with relief.

                                                            team natsu and levy

Natsu POV

As I walked the streets of Magnolia I caught the scent of Lucy soon after Wendy. "Guys!!", I caught her scent!" i shouted. I then ran to where the scent came from it was Luce's old apartment. Right behind was the rest of the team following.

Lucy POV

As I picked up the gift the door slammed open revealing Natsu and the others from the team. *What the helll are they doing here..... Wait Dammit its Natsu's no-* "Luce!!" he shouted interrupting me from my thoughts. "what!?!?" i shouted back "Lucy i wantwd to apolo-" before he could finish i dashed out of my apartment and enchanted the spell to the realm of dragons quickly and jumped into the realm without a trace.

Natsu POV

"Lucy i want to apolo-"before i could finish my sentence i saw Lucy dashed out and her scent was gone without a trace. Lucy please come back I don't want to lose you too.

                                                                      in the Dragon Realm


"Where have you been?" Acnologia asked me while smirking "nowhere" i said curiosly "ok,whats in the box," he questioned "nothing!" I shouted and headed to my room quickly. As I reached my room i put my gift on my dresser. Then i left to go to train with lucinda.

Acnologia POV

I wonder what that was about anyways let get back continuing my plan to conquer the Dragon Realm. But first i need to ask Lucy who she is inviting to the wedding. So i went to lucy room and saw a black small box  resting on her dress i curiously opened the box and was shocked to see a beautiful ring sitting inside.

sorry if it was short i will try to make it a little longer in my Next chapter the truth hope you liked this chapter cause the next won might have a little drama in it on till next time nalu and gralu fan out ............................................

sorry if it was short i will try to make it a little longer in my Next chapter the truth hope you liked this chapter cause the next won might have a little drama in it on till next time nalu and gralu fan out

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